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A. Sykes

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Little Man with a Big Dream

A. Sykes Libri

Susan Sykes is a kind and respectful lady in her 50's. Who enjoy working with all people and like sharing the positive things! She went to school, pass all her classes, graduated from the 12th and went to college for child care. Her first job was cleaning the streets in different neighborhoods. This was a summer job for children but you had to be 15 or 16 years old. Back then you were given a learner's permit and your parent had to sign it and the school saying it was o.k. to work. She was able to help her mother, who was rising five (5) kids as a single mom. Susan was able to buy her own clothes, school supplies, shoe etc. Her mother still brought most of the items, for all her children. But what Susan didn't learn in school was about money, investments, the rule of 72, how much money you need for retirement, where to put your money so it can grow and have a savings for emergency money. Everyone need 6 months to 12 months of emergency saving so when a disaster come, they will be prepared. Just like the Coronavirus in March 3, 2020, people were not prepared for that fall and out of a job. We all were told to go to school, to college, get a job and later get your own place. Many parents never learn about saving money either, that is why we were not taught. Susan pray that, you get some idea about saving your money, while you are young. Start as soon as possible. Susan Sykes has two children and one grand-daughter. Susan wants to dedicate this book to her children, (Bria, Rod and Taniyah). Susan worked with the public all her life and got along with mostly everyone she came in contact with. Susan's mom had five children, she loves her mom very much and she is the middle child. Thank you, mother (Evelyn Brown) for all your hard work and your love. Susan knows, she on this earth for one reason and that is to win soul to Jesus and try to lead people in the right direction. She wants male/female to be educated on money. Especially the younger generation but it's for everyone, age is just a number. Things people didn't learn in schools, colleges, private schools and many more. Susan hope you find some kind of truth from this book and change your mind set. Start doing what you have read and you won't be disappointed in the future to come. Follow these examples in the book and what Susan has written. Follow me! Why don't you follow me, to a place where you can be free! We want to make this world a better place if we all can. Susan believe we can all do it if we stick to the examples and stick together. Stop making excuses instead, get knowledgeable and ask yourself, the reason WHY, you should do it for yourselves, your children and family. There is light and life at the end of the road. For many adults the road seems dark a lot of times but it's also your mind and the way you think. So, if you think you can't you are right and if you think you can have, you will have. Let's have money working for us. You are not alone! Thank you all who reads this book. This is just the beginning! I pray you be so blessed by this book.
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