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Arnold Joseph Toynbee

Arnold Joseph Toynbee biografia





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Biografia Arnold Joseph Toynbee
Arnold Joseph Toynbee
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Arnold Joseph Toynbee (Londra, 14 aprile agosto 1889 – York, 22 ottobre 1975) è stato uno storico inglese. Appartenne alla corrente britannica dello storicismo diffusasi nella seconda metà dell'ottocento e che vide in Toynbee uno dei suoi massimi esponenti. Con le sue opere si collegò ad uno dei capostipiti della scuola Oswald Spengler, prendendone polemicamente le distanze su vari punti fondamentali. Toynbee è il nipote dell'importante economista e storico Arnold Toynbee, con il quale spesso è confuso. Nacque a Londra nel 1889, studiò al Balliol Collage di Oxford, dove incominciò la sua carriera come docente nel 1912; durante la prima guerra mondiale lavorò per conto dell'"Intelligence" al "British Foreign Office" e fu un delegato alla Conferenza di pace di Parigi (1919). Nel 1936 fu ricevuto da Adolf Hitler nel suo quartier generale e infine riprese a collaborare con il "Foreign Office" allo scoppio della seconda guerra mondiale.

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Ultimi libri pubblicati di
Arnold Joseph Toynbee
The Tragedy of Greece; a Lecture Delivered for the Professor of Greek to Candidates for Honours in Literae Humaniores at Oxford in May 1920
The Tragedy of Greece; a Lecture Delivered for the Professor of Greek to Candidates for Honours in Literae Humaniores at Oxford in May 1920
Reminiscences And Letters Of Joseph And Arnold Toynbee. Edited By Gertrude Toynbee
Reminiscences And Letters Of Joseph And Arnold Toynbee. Edited By Gertrude Toynbee
The German Terror in France: An Historical Record
The German Terror in France: An Historical Record
The New Europe: Some Essays in Reconstruction (Classic Reprint)
The New Europe: Some Essays in Reconstruction (Classic Reprint)
The German Terror in Belgium; an Historical Record
The German Terror in Belgium; an Historical Record
The German Terror in Belgium an Historical Record
The German Terror in Belgium an Historical Record
Turkey: A Past and a Future
Turkey: A Past and a Future
The Western Question in Greece and Turkey
The Western Question in Greece and Turkey
Turkey: A Past and a Future
Turkey: A Past and a Future
The New Europe: Some Essays in Reconstruction
The New Europe: Some Essays in Reconstruction
The Treatment of Armenians in the Ottoman Empire ; Documents Presented to Viscount Grey of Fallodon
The Treatment of Armenians in the Ottoman Empire ; Documents Presented to Viscount Grey of Fallodon
The Belgian Deportations
The Belgian Deportations
"The Murderous Tyranny of the Turks,"
The New Europe: Some Essays in Reconstruction
The New Europe: Some Essays in Reconstruction
Turkey: A Past and A Future
Turkey: A Past and A Future
The Destruction of Poland. A Study in German Efficiency
The Destruction of Poland. A Study in German Efficiency
The German Terror in France: By Arnold J. Toynbee
The German Terror in France: By Arnold J. Toynbee
Nationality & the War, Part 523
Nationality & the War, Part 523
The Belgian Deportations
The Belgian Deportations
Nationality & The War
Nationality & The War
The Rushton Lectures, 1948: Remarks of Arnold Toynbee Phd., LLD., On the Occasion of His Dissertation as Guest Lecturer; These Lectures Are Embodied ... a Study of History (Classic Reprint)
The Rushton Lectures, 1948: Remarks of Arnold Toynbee Phd., LLD., On the Occasion of His Dissertation as Guest Lecturer; These Lectures Are Embodied ... a Study of History (Classic Reprint)
Greek Civilization and Character; the Self-revelation of Ancient Greek Society
Greek Civilization and Character; the Self-revelation of Ancient Greek Society
A History of Bulgaria, Greece, Rumania, Turkey
A History of Bulgaria, Greece, Rumania, Turkey
The German Terror In Belgium An Historical Record
The German Terror In Belgium An Historical Record

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