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Michael Collins

Michael Collins biografia





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Biografia Michael Collins
Michael Collins
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Michael Collins è nato in Irlanda, a Limerick, nel 1964. Ha pubblicato sei romanzi e due raccolte di racconti, tra cui L'altra verità (Neri Pozza, 2001), finalista del Booker Prize. Con I risorti (Neri Pozza, 2003) ha ottenuto un grande successo internazionale. Ha ricevuto il Pushcart Prize per il miglior racconto ed è stato indicato dalla rivista francese Lire come uno dei quaranta scrittori piú interessanti del ventunesimo secolo.

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Michael Collins
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Investing in Reproductive, Maternal, Newborn, Child, and Adolescent Health in Uganda: What Have We Learned, and Where Do We Go From Here?
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The Eagles of Bastogne: The Untold Story of the Heroic Defense of a City Under Siege
The Eagles of Bastogne: The Untold Story of the Heroic Defense of a City Under Siege
The Nuclear Sublime
The Nuclear Sublime
A History of Christianity: 2,000 Years of Faith
A History of Christianity: 2,000 Years of Faith
A History of Christianity
A History of Christianity
Big Ideas. Der Erste Weltkrieg: Konzentriertes Wissen über die Ereignisse und Hintergründe des Ersten Weltkrieges
Big Ideas. Der Erste Weltkrieg: Konzentriertes Wissen über die Ereignisse und Hintergründe des Ersten Weltkrieges
Getting to Know Arcgis Pro 3.2
Getting to Know Arcgis Pro 3.2
Understanding Etheridge Knight: With a New Preface
Understanding Etheridge Knight: With a New Preface
The Great Dechurching: Who’s Leaving, Why Are They Going, and What Will It Take to Bring Them Back?
The Great Dechurching: Who’s Leaving, Why Are They Going, and What Will It Take to Bring Them Back?
Exoteric Modernisms: Progressive Era Realism and the Aesthetics of Everyday Life
Exoteric Modernisms: Progressive Era Realism and the Aesthetics of Everyday Life
Research Handbook on Digital Trade
Research Handbook on Digital Trade
The Path to Freedom
The Path to Freedom
Michael Collins' own Story
Michael Collins' own Story
An Orthodox Catechism
An Orthodox Catechism
The Big Five: Year 3
The Big Five: Year 3
The Winter Spirits: Ghostly Tales for Frosty Nights
The Winter Spirits: Ghostly Tales for Frosty Nights
Transnational Civil Litigation
Transnational Civil Litigation
Two Early Dynastic houses: living with the dead (Abu Salabikh Excavations, Volume 5)
Two Early Dynastic houses: living with the dead (Abu Salabikh Excavations, Volume 5)
Two Early Dynastic houses: living with the dead (Abu Salabikh Excavations, Volume 5 Part I)
Two Early Dynastic houses: living with the dead (Abu Salabikh Excavations, Volume 5 Part I)
Two Early Dynastic houses: living with the dead (Abu Salabikh Excavations, Volume 5 Part II)
Two Early Dynastic houses: living with the dead (Abu Salabikh Excavations, Volume 5 Part II)
The Cambridge Companion to the American Short Story
The Cambridge Companion to the American Short Story
Dark One,Book 1 (Volume 1)
Dark One,Book 1 (Volume 1)
Business Selling Insights Vol. 5: Spotlights on Leading Business Intermediaries, Brokers, and M&A Advisors
Business Selling Insights Vol. 5: Spotlights on Leading Business Intermediaries, Brokers, and M&A Advisors
Michael Collins' own Story
Michael Collins' own Story
Christian Shakespeare: A Collection of Essays on Shakespeare in his Christian Context
Christian Shakespeare: A Collection of Essays on Shakespeare in his Christian Context
Transport Organisation in a Great City: The Case of London
Transport Organisation in a Great City: The Case of London
Write to Feel Right: Band 17/Diamond
Write to Feel Right: Band 17/Diamond
Scars to Stars: Volume 2, Stories of Vulnerability, Resilience, and Overcoming Adversity
Scars to Stars: Volume 2, Stories of Vulnerability, Resilience, and Overcoming Adversity
Devil's Reign - Herrschaft des Teufels: Bd. 2
Devil's Reign - Herrschaft des Teufels: Bd. 2
Environmental Law Handbook
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Wait Until Mourning
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Dismantling the American Dream: How Multinational Corporations Undermine American Prosperity
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Christian Shakespeare: A Collection of Essays on Shakespeare in his Christian Context
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The Idyll of the White Lotus and The Story of Sensa: With a commentary on The Idyll by Tallapragada Subba Rao
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