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Thomas De Quincey

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Biografia Thomas De Quincey
Thomas De Quincey
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Thomas De Quincey (1785 – 1859) Scrittore inglese Rimasto in tenera età orfano del padre, un commerciante di Manchester, il De Quincey si rivelò presto di indole intellettuale e prodigiosamente proclive agli studi, ma al tempo stesso fantastica e riottosa. Messo dai tutori alla Grammar School di Manchester, ne fuggì nel 1802, e fu per alcuni mesi vagabondo nel Galles e a Londra, dove soffrì la miseria e la fame, e fu soccorso da una povera ragazza, Ann: gli episodi dei mesi passati a Londra dovevano ispirargli alcune tra le migliori pagine delle Confessions. Studente a Oxford, nel 1804 cominciò a prender oppio, dapprima come un rimedio contro dolori nevralgici, poi per viziosa abitudine. Il suo entusiasmo per Coleridge e Wordsworth lo decise a stabilirsi nel Westmorland nel 1809, per mantenersi in contatto con essi. Colà seguitò i suoi studi sui classici e sui filosofi tedeschi; progettò opere di filosofia e di scienza economica, e accumulò un immenso patrimonio di cognizioni che poi – ridottosi in disperate circostanze finanziarie aggravate dal carico di una famiglia – mise a profitto in quegl’innumerevoli articoli di giornale in cui troppo spesso dissipò il proprio genio a Londra e a Edimburgo. La sua vita sarà tutta tesa nello sforzo di ridurre le dosi d’oppio e le cifre dei debiti. Al London Magazine collaborò nel 1821 con le Confessions of an English Opium Eater (Confessioni di un mangiatore di oppio) che lo resero d’un tratto famoso. Continua su La Frusta

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Ultimi libri pubblicati di
Thomas De Quincey
Letters of De Quincey, the English Opium-Eater, to a Young Man Whose Education Has Been Neglected
Letters of De Quincey, the English Opium-Eater, to a Young Man Whose Education Has Been Neglected
Biographical Essays, and Essays on the Poets
Biographical Essays, and Essays on the Poets
Literary Reminiscences; from the Autobiography of an English Opium-eater: Vol. III
Literary Reminiscences; from the Autobiography of an English Opium-eater: Vol. III
Essays in Ancient History and Antiquities
Essays in Ancient History and Antiquities
Politics and Political Economy
Politics and Political Economy
Essays on Christianity, Paganism, and Superstition
Essays on Christianity, Paganism, and Superstition
On Murder Considered As One of the Fine Arts
On Murder Considered As One of the Fine Arts
Theological Essays and Other Papers - Volume 2
Theological Essays and Other Papers - Volume 2
Miscellaneous Essays
Miscellaneous Essays
Autobiographic Sketches: in large print
Autobiographic Sketches: in large print
Theological Essays and Other Papers; In Two Volumes: Volume I - in large print
Theological Essays and Other Papers; In Two Volumes: Volume I - in large print
Narrative and Miscellaneous Papers; In Two Volumes: Volume 1 - in large print
Narrative and Miscellaneous Papers; In Two Volumes: Volume 1 - in large print
Narrative and Miscellaneous Papers; In Two Volumes: Volume 2 - in large print
Narrative and Miscellaneous Papers; In Two Volumes: Volume 2 - in large print
Narrative and Miscellaneous Papers; In Two Volumes: Complete - in large print
Narrative and Miscellaneous Papers; In Two Volumes: Complete - in large print
Biographical Essays: in large print
Biographical Essays: in large print
Memorials, and Other Papers; In Two Volumes: Volume 1 - in large print
Memorials, and Other Papers; In Two Volumes: Volume 1 - in large print
Memorials, and Other Papers; In Two Volumes: Volume 2 - in large print
Memorials, and Other Papers; In Two Volumes: Volume 2 - in large print
The Works of Thomas De Quincey: Recollections of the Lakes and the Lake Poets; Coleridge, Wordsworth and Southey
The Works of Thomas De Quincey: Recollections of the Lakes and the Lake Poets; Coleridge, Wordsworth and Southey
The Uncollected Writings of Thomas de Quincey; Volume 2
The Uncollected Writings of Thomas de Quincey; Volume 2
Suspiria De Produndis: With Other Essays, Critical, Historical, Biographical, Philosophical, Imaginative and Humorous
Suspiria De Produndis: With Other Essays, Critical, Historical, Biographical, Philosophical, Imaginative and Humorous
Confessions of an English Opium Eater and Analects From John Paul Richter
Confessions of an English Opium Eater and Analects From John Paul Richter
The Works of Thomas De Quincey; Volume 4
The Works of Thomas De Quincey; Volume 4
Klosterheim; Or, the Masque
Klosterheim; Or, the Masque
Note Book of an English Opium-Eater: in large print
Note Book of an English Opium-Eater: in large print
Miscellaneous Essays
Miscellaneous Essays
Memorials, and Other Papers; In Two Volumes: Volume 2 - in large print
Memorials, and Other Papers; In Two Volumes: Volume 2 - in large print
Memorials, and Other Papers; In Two Volumes: Complete - in large print
Memorials, and Other Papers; In Two Volumes: Complete - in large print
Memorials, and Other Papers; In Two Volumes: Complete - in large print
Memorials, and Other Papers; In Two Volumes: Complete - in large print
The English Mail-Coach; and, Joan of Arc: in large print
The English Mail-Coach; and, Joan of Arc: in large print
Memorials and Other Papers (Volume 2)
Memorials and Other Papers (Volume 2)
Memorials and Other Papers (Volume 1)
Memorials and Other Papers (Volume 1)
The Logic of Political Economy, and Other Papers
The Logic of Political Economy, and Other Papers
The Logic of Political Economy, and Other Papers
The Logic of Political Economy, and Other Papers
Theological Essays and Other Papers; in Two Volumes: Volume 2 - in large print
Theological Essays and Other Papers; in Two Volumes: Volume 2 - in large print
Theological Essays and Other Papers; in Two Volumes: Volume 2 - in large print
Theological Essays and Other Papers; in Two Volumes: Volume 2 - in large print
The Caesars: in large print
The Caesars: in large print
Essays Sceptical and Anti-Sceptical
Essays Sceptical and Anti-Sceptical
Confesiones de un opiómano inglés
Confesiones de un opiómano inglés
Recollections of the Lakes and the Lake Poets Coleridge, Wordsworth and Southey
Recollections of the Lakes and the Lake Poets Coleridge, Wordsworth and Southey
De Quincey: On Murder, Considered As One Of The Fine Arts. The English Mail-coach. The Last Days Of Immanuel Kant. Recollections Of Charles Lamb
De Quincey: On Murder, Considered As One Of The Fine Arts. The English Mail-coach. The Last Days Of Immanuel Kant. Recollections Of Charles Lamb
Essays on Style, Rhetoric, and Language
Essays on Style, Rhetoric, and Language
Autobiographical Sketches: Selections, Grave and Gay: From Writings Published and Unpublished
Autobiographical Sketches: Selections, Grave and Gay: From Writings Published and Unpublished
The Uncollected Writings of Thomas de Quincey: With a Preface and Annotations by James Hogg; Volume 1
The Uncollected Writings of Thomas de Quincey: With a Preface and Annotations by James Hogg; Volume 1
The Cæsars
The Cæsars
Collected Works of Thomas De Quincey
Collected Works of Thomas De Quincey
Confessions of an English Opium-Eater
Confessions of an English Opium-Eater
Confessions of an English Opium-Eater (Esprios Classics): BEING AN EXTRACT FROM THE LIFE OF A SCHOLAR.
Confessions of an English Opium-Eater (Esprios Classics): BEING AN EXTRACT FROM THE LIFE OF A SCHOLAR.
Dinner Real and Reputed
Dinner Real and Reputed
Essays on Philosophical Writers and Other Men of Letters, Vol. 2 of 2 (Classic Reprint)
Essays on Philosophical Writers and Other Men of Letters, Vol. 2 of 2 (Classic Reprint)
Quincey, T: Note Book of an English Opium-Eater (Classic Rep
Quincey, T: Note Book of an English Opium-Eater (Classic Rep
Quincey, T: Essays in Ancient History and Antiquities, Vol.
Quincey, T: Essays in Ancient History and Antiquities, Vol.
Quincey, T: Speculations Literary and Philosophic (Classic R
Quincey, T: Speculations Literary and Philosophic (Classic R
Quincey, T: Leaders in Literature
Quincey, T: Leaders in Literature
Narrative and Miscellaneous Papers, Vol. 12: With a General Index to De Quincey's Writings (Classic Reprint)
Narrative and Miscellaneous Papers, Vol. 12: With a General Index to De Quincey's Writings (Classic Reprint)
Revolt of the Tartars; or, Flight of the Kalmuck Khan and his People From the Russian Territories to the Frontiers of China
Revolt of the Tartars; or, Flight of the Kalmuck Khan and his People From the Russian Territories to the Frontiers of China
The English Mail-Coach and Joan of Arc
The English Mail-Coach and Joan of Arc
Confessions of an Opium Eater
Confessions of an Opium Eater
Theological Essays and Other Papers; Volume 1
Theological Essays and Other Papers; Volume 1
The Art of Conversation: And Other Papers
The Art of Conversation: And Other Papers
The Wider Hope: Essays and Strictures On the Doctrine and Literature of Future Punishment
The Wider Hope: Essays and Strictures On the Doctrine and Literature of Future Punishment
Joan of Arc: The English Mail Coach
Joan of Arc: The English Mail Coach
Autobiographic Sketches
Autobiographic Sketches
Confessions of an English Opium-Eater: Reprinted From the First Edition, With Notes of De Quincey's Conversations by Richard Woodhouse, and Otheradditons
Confessions of an English Opium-Eater: Reprinted From the First Edition, With Notes of De Quincey's Conversations by Richard Woodhouse, and Otheradditons
Les Paradis Artificiels, Opium Et Haschisch
Les Paradis Artificiels, Opium Et Haschisch
Narrative and Miscellaneous Papers, Vol. 2 of 2 (Classic Reprint)
Narrative and Miscellaneous Papers, Vol. 2 of 2 (Classic Reprint)
Romances and Extravaganzas (Classic Reprint)
Romances and Extravaganzas (Classic Reprint)
Theory of Greek Tragedy (Classic Reprint)
Theory of Greek Tragedy (Classic Reprint)
Joan of Arc, and Other Selections From Thomas De Quincey: I. Joan of Arc; II. The English Mail Coach (Abridged); III. Levana and Our Ladies of Sorrow; ... and Explanatory Notes (Classic Reprint)
Joan of Arc, and Other Selections From Thomas De Quincey: I. Joan of Arc; II. The English Mail Coach (Abridged); III. Levana and Our Ladies of Sorrow; ... and Explanatory Notes (Classic Reprint)
De l'assassinat considéré comme un des beaux-arts. 3e édition (Éd.1901)
De l'assassinat considéré comme un des beaux-arts. 3e édition (Éd.1901)
The Collected Writings of Thomas De Quincey - Volume 2
The Collected Writings of Thomas De Quincey - Volume 2
The Posthumous Works of Thomas De Quincey: Suspiria De Profundis
The Posthumous Works of Thomas De Quincey: Suspiria De Profundis
Recollections of the Lakes and the Lake Poets: Coleridge, Wordsworth, And Southey
Recollections of the Lakes and the Lake Poets: Coleridge, Wordsworth, And Southey
The Logic of Political Economy and Other Papers
The Logic of Political Economy and Other Papers
The Logic of Political Economy and Other Papers
The Logic of Political Economy and Other Papers
Essays Sceptical and Anti-Sceptical
Essays Sceptical and Anti-Sceptical
Quincey, T: Literary Reminiscences, Vol. 2 of 2
Quincey, T: Literary Reminiscences, Vol. 2 of 2
Quincey, T: Literary Reminiscences
Quincey, T: Literary Reminiscences
Quincey, T: Essays on Christianity, Paganism, and Superstiti
Quincey, T: Essays on Christianity, Paganism, and Superstiti
Quincey, T: Essays on the Poets
Quincey, T: Essays on the Poets
Theological Essays, Vol. 2 of 2: And Other Papers (Classic Reprint)
Theological Essays, Vol. 2 of 2: And Other Papers (Classic Reprint)
Theological Essays and Other Papers, Vol. 1 of 2 (Classic Reprint)
Theological Essays and Other Papers, Vol. 1 of 2 (Classic Reprint)
The Logic of Political Economy, and Other Papers (Classic Reprint)
The Logic of Political Economy, and Other Papers (Classic Reprint)
Quincey, T: Art of Conversation and Other Papers (Classic Re
Quincey, T: Art of Conversation and Other Papers (Classic Re
Suspiris De Profundis: Being a Sequel to the Confessions of an English Opium-Eater and Other Miscellaneous Writings (Classic Reprint)
Suspiris De Profundis: Being a Sequel to the Confessions of an English Opium-Eater and Other Miscellaneous Writings (Classic Reprint)
The English Mail-Coach, and Joan of Arc (Classic Reprint)
The English Mail-Coach, and Joan of Arc (Classic Reprint)
Narrative and Miscellaneous Papers, Vol. 1 of 2 (Classic Reprint)
Narrative and Miscellaneous Papers, Vol. 1 of 2 (Classic Reprint)
Klosterheim: Or, the Masque (Classic Reprint)
Klosterheim: Or, the Masque (Classic Reprint)
Confessions of an English Opium-Eater (Royal Collector's Edition) (Case Laminate Hardcover with Jacket)
Confessions of an English Opium-Eater (Royal Collector's Edition) (Case Laminate Hardcover with Jacket)
Last Days of Immanuel Kant and Other Writings: Vol. 3
Last Days of Immanuel Kant and Other Writings: Vol. 3
Bekenntnisse eines englischen Opiumessers
Bekenntnisse eines englischen Opiumessers
Confesiunile Unui Opioman Englez. Top 10+
Confesiunile Unui Opioman Englez. Top 10+
Classic Records Reviewed or Deciphered
Classic Records Reviewed or Deciphered
L'anglais mangeur d'opium, suivi d'une notice
L'anglais mangeur d'opium, suivi d'une notice
Literary Reminiscences: Vol. I
Literary Reminiscences: Vol. I
Style and Rhetoric and Other Papers
Style and Rhetoric and Other Papers
The Caesars
The Caesars
Protestantism and other Essays
Protestantism and other Essays
Klosterheim: or, The Masque
Klosterheim: or, The Masque
De l'assassinat considéré comme un des beaux-arts
De l'assassinat considéré comme un des beaux-arts
Richard Bentley and other Writings
Richard Bentley and other Writings
Coleridge and Opium-Eating and other Writings
Coleridge and Opium-Eating and other Writings
La gloria del moto. La diligenza postale inglese. Ediz. integrale
La gloria del moto. La diligenza postale inglese. Ediz. integrale
The Caesars (Esprios Classics)
The Caesars (Esprios Classics)
Bekenntnisse eines englischen Opiumessers (Großdruck)
Bekenntnisse eines englischen Opiumessers (Großdruck)
Confesiones de un opiómano inglés
Confesiones de un opiómano inglés
En opiumsdrankers bekendelser
En opiumsdrankers bekendelser
The Campaner Thal, and other Writings
The Campaner Thal, and other Writings
The Collected Writing of Thomas De Quincey, (Volume II)
The Collected Writing of Thomas De Quincey, (Volume II)
Autobiographical Sketches (Esprios Classics)
Autobiographical Sketches (Esprios Classics)
Biographical Essays (Esprios Classics)
Biographical Essays (Esprios Classics)
L'assassinio come una delle belle arti (Piccola enciclopedia)
L'assassinio come una delle belle arti (Piccola enciclopedia)
Il postale inglese (Piccola enciclopedia)
Il postale inglese (Piccola enciclopedia)

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