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The Gut-loving Cookbook: Over 60 deliciously simple recipes from the award-winning team behind the Gut Stuff

The microbes in our gut are exceptionally clever, helping to control your blood sugar, produce vitamins, manage cholesterol and hormonal balance, prevent you from getting infections, control the calories that you absorb, communicate with your nervous system and brain, influence your bone strength and so much more. The food we eat can have a huge impact on the number and type of microbes living in your gut and how your gut physically works. This is an accessible cookbook that has all the recipes you need for a healthy gut. All recipes have been carefully constructed to include the top three most important elements for a healthy digestive system; variety, fibre and ferments. Variety: You have trillions of bacteria in your gut and they all thrive on different foods; so, variety really is key to making sure you keep them all happy. We need to be eating 30 different types of plant-based foods a week. Fibre: We’re supposed to be getting around 30g per day, but 9 out of 10 of us are not reaching that goal. A diet high in fibre can slow the absorption of sugars, reduce the risk of certain diseases, including high cholesterol, heart disease, diabetes and bowel cancer. Ferments: Due to the bacteria and yeasts, fermented food is tasty and can have a positive effect on the gut. This book offers easy How-Tos so you can add fermented food seamlessly into your daily diet – but don’t think this book is all “holier than thou” super salads and sauerkraut; we’re talking generous food that is familiar and most importantly “gut-ilicious” – from Fish and Chips to Jackfruit Tacos, Sourdough Pizzas and Shepherd’s Pie to beautiful salads and cheeky Kombucha Mocktails. The comprehensive shopping lists of all the ingredients you’ll need to tips for simple swaps and information on how to pickle anything. Your fridge will be full of homemade ferments in no time. Chapters include: Breakfasts, Easy Lunches, Simple Dinners, Drinks and Snacks and Ferments. 
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