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Ultimi libri pubblicati di
Dummy Variables and the Analysis of Covariance
Dummy Variables and the Analysis of Covariance
The Postcolonial Condition of Architecture in Asia: A Lead from Display-ness
The Postcolonial Condition of Architecture in Asia: A Lead from Display-ness
Dummy Variables and the Analysis of Covariance
Dummy Variables and the Analysis of Covariance
Advancements in Optical Methods, Digital Image Correlation & Micro-and Nanomechanics, Volume 4: Proceedings of the 2022 Annual Conference on Experimental and Applied Mechanics
Advancements in Optical Methods, Digital Image Correlation & Micro-and Nanomechanics, Volume 4: Proceedings of the 2022 Annual Conference on Experimental and Applied Mechanics
Wireless Sensor Networks: 17th China Conference, CWSN 2023, Dalian, China, October 13–15, 2023, Proceedings: 1994
Wireless Sensor Networks: 17th China Conference, CWSN 2023, Dalian, China, October 13–15, 2023, Proceedings: 1994
The Intersection of Language with Emotion, Personality, and Related Factors (Volume 80)
The Intersection of Language with Emotion, Personality, and Related Factors (Volume 80)
Supporting and Learning from Academics: EMI Toolkit
Supporting and Learning from Academics: EMI Toolkit
Dummy Variables and the Analysis of Covariance (Classic Reprint)
Dummy Variables and the Analysis of Covariance (Classic Reprint)
Spatial Implications and Planning Criteria for High-Speed Rail Cities and Regions
Spatial Implications and Planning Criteria for High-Speed Rail Cities and Regions
Introduction to Green Science and Technology for Green Economy: Principles and Applications
Introduction to Green Science and Technology for Green Economy: Principles and Applications
Advancements in Optical Methods, Digital Image Correlation & Micro-and Nanomechanics, Volume 4: Proceedings of the 2022 Annual Conference on Experimental and Applied Mechanics
Advancements in Optical Methods, Digital Image Correlation & Micro-and Nanomechanics, Volume 4: Proceedings of the 2022 Annual Conference on Experimental and Applied Mechanics
Discrete-Time Adaptive Iterative Learning Control: From Model-Based to Data-Driven: 1
Discrete-Time Adaptive Iterative Learning Control: From Model-Based to Data-Driven: 1
Die Tapferkeit der Zugvögel und andere Erzählungen: Von Chi Zijian, Wang Xiangfu, Man Xiansheng und anderen chinesischen Schöpfern
Die Tapferkeit der Zugvögel und andere Erzählungen: Von Chi Zijian, Wang Xiangfu, Man Xiansheng und anderen chinesischen Schöpfern
Advances in Nanogels
Advances in Nanogels
Thermomechanics & Infrared Imaging, Inverse Problem Methodologies, Mechanics of Additive & Advanced Manufactured Materials, and Advancements in ... on Experimental and Applied Mechanics
Thermomechanics & Infrared Imaging, Inverse Problem Methodologies, Mechanics of Additive & Advanced Manufactured Materials, and Advancements in ... on Experimental and Applied Mechanics
Statistics In the Pharmaceutical Industry
Statistics In the Pharmaceutical Industry
Troubling (Public) Theologies: Spaces, Bodies, Technologies
Troubling (Public) Theologies: Spaces, Bodies, Technologies
Pacific Literatures As World Literature
Pacific Literatures As World Literature
Supporting and Learning from Academics: EMI Toolkit
Supporting and Learning from Academics: EMI Toolkit
Handbook of Corrosion Inhibitors in Industrial Water Treatment
Handbook of Corrosion Inhibitors in Industrial Water Treatment
Capteurs de sécurité de l'eau à micro-échelle avec uniquement des électrodes en platine: Des capteurs de sécurité pour l'eau pour la prochaine génération
Capteurs de sécurité de l'eau à micro-échelle avec uniquement des électrodes en platine: Des capteurs de sécurité pour l'eau pour la prochaine génération
Sensores de seguridad en el agua a microescala con sólo electrodos de platino: Sensores de seguridad en el agua para la próxima generación
Sensores de seguridad en el agua a microescala con sólo electrodos de platino: Sensores de seguridad en el agua para la próxima generación
Sensori di sicurezza idrica in microscala con soli elettrodi di platino: Sensori di sicurezza per l'acqua di nuova generazione
Sensori di sicurezza idrica in microscala con soli elettrodi di platino: Sensori di sicurezza per l'acqua di nuova generazione
Sensores de Segurança de Água em Micro-Escala apenas com eléctrodos de Platina: Sensores de segurança da água para a próxima geração
Sensores de Segurança de Água em Micro-Escala apenas com eléctrodos de Platina: Sensores de segurança da água para a próxima geração
Fundamental Physicochemical Properties of Germanene-related Materials: A Theoretical Perspective
Fundamental Physicochemical Properties of Germanene-related Materials: A Theoretical Perspective
Advancements in Optical Methods, Digital Image Correlation & Micro-and Nanomechanics, Volume 4: Proceedings of the 2022 Annual Conference on Experimental and Applied Mechanics
Advancements in Optical Methods, Digital Image Correlation & Micro-and Nanomechanics, Volume 4: Proceedings of the 2022 Annual Conference on Experimental and Applied Mechanics
Taiwanese Literature As World Literature
Taiwanese Literature As World Literature
Advancement of Optical Methods & Digital Image Correlation in Experimental Mechanics: Proceedings of the 2020 Annual Conference on Experimental and Applied Mechanics
Advancement of Optical Methods & Digital Image Correlation in Experimental Mechanics: Proceedings of the 2020 Annual Conference on Experimental and Applied Mechanics
Discrete-time Adaptive Iterative Learning Control: From Model-based to Data-driven: 1
Discrete-time Adaptive Iterative Learning Control: From Model-based to Data-driven: 1
Security and Privacy in Social Networks and Big Data: 7th International Symposium, Socialsec 2021, Fuzhou, China, November 19-21, 2021, Proceedings: 1495
Security and Privacy in Social Networks and Big Data: 7th International Symposium, Socialsec 2021, Fuzhou, China, November 19-21, 2021, Proceedings: 1495
Thermomechanics & Infrared Imaging, Inverse Problem Methodologies, Mechanics of Additive & Advanced Manufactured Materials, and Advancements in ... on Experimental and Applied Mechanics
Thermomechanics & Infrared Imaging, Inverse Problem Methodologies, Mechanics of Additive & Advanced Manufactured Materials, and Advancements in ... on Experimental and Applied Mechanics
Dental Neuroimaging: The Role of the Brain in Oral Functions
Dental Neuroimaging: The Role of the Brain in Oral Functions

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Le lotte interiori e l'orso di Marian Engel
La primavera silenziosa di Rachel Carson, il primo libro ambientalista che ha cambiato il mondo
Hard Rain Falling: Un Viaggio Dostoevskiano nel Buio dell'America degli anni '40
New York negli Anni '60: Lo Scenario Urbano di Jim entra nel campo di basket di Jim Carroll
La calda estate di Mazi Morris, il romanzo d'esordio hard boiled della scrittrice israeliana Daria Shualy
Le cavie umane nell'Unit di Ninni Holmqvist
Il mondo di Charlie, la saggezza di un ultra centenario
Il ritratto di Adelaida Gigli dipinto da Adrian Bravi
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