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God Keeps Calling Us: A 40-Day Discovery of a Life-Changing Truth

Tomas Melendo Libri

God Keeps Calling Us: A 40-Day Discovery of a Life-Changing Truth is a daily devotional, going from Genesis to Revelation, exploring how God calls out to us. For personal or group use. It is one thing to say that you believe in God, but another thing to hear God. After we ask, ?Is there a God?? the next logical question is: ?What does God want?? We also want to know? How can we know the will of God? Does God have a plan for our lives? How should we make decisions about our work and our families? Here is the truth. God calls us to himself, calls us to a distinctive quality of life, calls us into various vocations, calls us to purposeful living, calls us into a new community, calls us to join with his global mission to rescue people all over the world. In this 40-day devotional we see the many ways God called out to his people in Scripture so that we can understand how God keeps calling us today. ABOUT THE AUTHORS MEL LAWRENZ (Ph.D., Marquette University) has been in pastoral ministry for over 30 years at Elmbrook Church in Brookfield, WI. TOM KEPPELER (Ph.D., Trinity International University) has served overseas and in the U.S. in missions and pastoral ministry for more than 30 years. FROM THE INTRODUCTION Welcome to this 40-day discovery of a life-changing truth. This truth is what we all long for deep inside. It is a truth that can shape our whole lives. It is a truth that God has spoken. It has shaped human history, and it will save us. This life-changing truth is that God has called us, and God keeps calling us. God is real, and God is not silent. From the moment of creation until the recreation at the end of time, God calls out. He summons us. This is how we are saved. This is how we know what God wants in our lives. This is how we know the plan of God for our lives. This his how we know the will of God. This is how we know our purpose and mission in life. This is how we make the myriad of daily decisions in our places of work. This is how we enrich the lives of our families. This is how we learn the specific ways in which God wants us to worship and serve him. God calls us to himself, calls us to a distinctive quality of life, calls us into various vocations, calls us to purposeful living, calls us into a new community, calls us to join with his global mission to rescue people all over the world, and much more. But how can we understand how God has called us and keeps calling us? The answer is in God?s word, the Holy Scriptures. From Genesis to Revelation we learn how God called people from Abraham to Ruth to Jeremiah to Paul, and a multitude of others. Then we understand how God calls us to himself, and then calls us to a new way of living and a sense of purpose and mission. In this 40-day devotional we see the many ways God called out to his people in Scripture so that we can understand how God keeps calling us today. In this great sweep of stories, we learn God?s ways. And then we can understand how God keeps calling us today. Scripture teaches that God created the human race because he wanted to make something good, and that now God has purposes for people in a great plan to restore what has gotten broken, diseased, corrupted, confused, and chaotic because of the fall. God wants to bring order and peace and harmony to our families, our communities, our society, and the world?and he calls us to be part of that work. May God bless you as as we take this journey together.
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