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Charles Seife

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Finding College Cash: Proven Ideas to Find Scholarships, Grants, and Other Resources to Finish College Debt-Free or Better!: Volume 1

Charles Seife Libri

Learn Proven Secrets on How to Pay for College AND Avoid Student Loans and Credit Card Debt! This is a fun and engaging book?written as a story, which teaches students and their parents how to finance a college education without going into debt. The book will teach, through story, proven strategies and ideas to find scholarships and grants, control expenses, avoid pitfalls, reduce the time it takes to apply to college resources, write essays, and increase a student's chances to win. You Will Discover What you absolutely must do first to get the best results Where to find scholarships and resources for you and your background How to write an essay that can help you win How to manage your money to automatically prevent debt Resources to avoid the money traps and mistakes most students make Where to find low-GPA and no-GPA resources that are up for grabs Through a realistic and engaging story you can learn multiple strategies to pay for college so you can finish debt-free or better! A free bonus for purchasing this book is an online training on how you can save up to $30,000 (or more) on college expenses Testimonials "This book should be required for anyone going to college. It has invaluable information that all students need to know prior to enrolling." ? Paul Ray, Utah House of Representatives "Steven has brought together a wealth of excellent resources for paying for college. Any parent or student seeking to pay for college should seriously consider this book." ? Leslie Householder, Bestselling author ofThe Jackrabbit Factor andPortal to Genius "This book is loaded with proven strategies to lower college costs, get an excellent education, and graduate debt-free. Wow!" ? Brian Tracy, Professional speaker and bestselling author ofGoals! "Just using one of the techniques that Steven described has saved my wife and me almost $57,000 in college expenses?and that is just on one kid." ? Charles Dobens, Founder, Multifamily Investing Academy "I can't speak highly enough about this book. As someone who completely failed at college, both academically and financially, this book was amazing! It made me feel empowered to go back to school and get a degree. It made me feel like I could actually succeed without creating a financial burden for my family. This is more than a simple step by step. The story told helps solidify the principles and ideas being taught." ? Stephanie Theobald, Parent "This book is fantastic. I have read several financial books and this one easily takes the cake. I have already referred it to family members and friends, my homeschool co-op and when it is in hard copy we will keep more than one in our home. It is simply brilliant. ...It has a great story to guide you through, so it's an easy read, and it has easy to find synopsis info at the end of each chapter if you get lost in the story and need to go back for reference. This would have saved us a decade of stress if we had read it at the beginning of college or in high school. Thank you for taking the time to write it!" ? Kristy Burtenshaw LMT SI, Homeschool Parent and Business Owner "Just by applying a couple of the principles I learned from him within a few minutes, I was able to save just over $2,000 that same day!" ? Brad, College Student
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