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What You Don't Learn in Film School: A Complete Guide to (Independent) Filmmaking

Adam Williams Libri

Multi Emmy Award-winning filmmaker Shane Stanley writes a book anyone and everyone should read if they want an entertainment industry insider's professional guidance on how to create a movie. This book is an especially invaluable tool to those who have, or plan to, attend a college or university film school. Your Complete Guide To (Independent) Filmmaking. An in-depth, no holds barred look at making movies from ?concept to delivery? in today?s ever-evolving climate while breaking down the dos and don?ts of (independent) filmmaking. Learn invaluable industry secrets from top to bottom and discover the truth about independent film distribution as the lid is torn off the many myths surrounding sales agents and today?s release platforms that are certain to open reader?s eyes - and ruffle a few feathers! READ THE REVIEWS AND WHAT THE EXPERTS SAY "Impressively informative, exceptionally well written, organized and iconoclastic and invaluable course of 'real world practical' instruction and directly usable information that is unreservedly recommended as a film school curriculum textbook, as well as professional, community, and academic library Cinema Technology collections and supplemental studies lists. It should be noted for personal reading lists of film students and non-specialist general readers with an interest in the subject." - MIDWESTERN BOOK REVIEW"Hollywood filmmaker Shane Stanley writes a book anyone and everyone should read if they want an entertainment industry insider's professional guidance on how to create a movie. This book is an especially invaluable tool to those who have, or plan to, attend a college or university film school." - ABC NEWS, CROSSROADS TODAY"Stanley illuminates the world of movie-making in detail in his fast-paced book, speaking from his own sometimes-agonized experience in the film realm. His book gets down into the nitty-gritty, touching upon real-life topics...? - STACY JENEL SMITH, BECK/SMITH THE HOLLYWOOD EXCLUSIVE"A unique and personal perspective from a well-rounded, solid vantage point. A quality reference for anyone interested in independent filmmaking. Film school curriculums would do students a services to include Stanley's book on a required reading list. A very valuable resource which needs to be in everyone's bookshelf from the beginning actor to the accomplished director/producer." - PACIFIC BOOK REVIEW?A no holds barred, transparent look at making movies from concept to delivery. This book isn't just for students - it's for anyone trying to carve out a career in the film or television industry and evident that Stanley is trying to help bridge the gap between the classroom and real life by giving the next generation of filmmakers as much ammunition as possible before they venture out into Hollywood.? - ?Pulls no punches. It's one of the most insightful and accurate books ever written on the subject. A master class bridging the gap between school and real life experience that will save you years of heartache. A must-read for anyone interested in pursuing a career in film.? - Neal H. Moritz, Producer (Fast & Furious, S.W.A.T., 21 and 22 Jump Street)?Shane Stanley takes you to a Film School that only years of practical experience can teach. He covers both the business of independent filmmaking as well as the hard earned secrets of a successful production. A must-read for anyone who wants to produce.? - Jeff Sagansky, Former President of Sony Entertainment and CBS Entertainment?An incredibly practical guide to making indie films in the current marketplace. Film schools should be teaching this stuffin addition to everything else they teach about the art of film, because it?s all essential to actually getting something done and getting it seen. The advice in this book obviously comes from real experience!? - Chris Hansen, Professor and Chairman, Baylor University Department of Film & Digital Media
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