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A. Moore

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Biografia A. Moore
A. Moore
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Alan Oswald Moore, nato a Northampton il 18 novembre 1953, è un fumettista, scrittore, compositore, cantautore e occultista britannico. E’ divenuto celebre tra gli autori di fumetti e non solo, per opere come “Watchmen”, “V per Vendetta” e “From Hell”. In più è anche romanziere, cantautore e cantante e, dal giorno del suo quarantesimo compleanno, si è autoproclamato mago.

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Mensa's Most Difficult Number Puzzles: Prove your logical and numerical abilities against 200 fiendish problems
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Ethics for Educational Technology and Instructional Design: An Applied Introduction
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Teaching & Learning
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Biology of Fishes
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Processing Criminal Justice Between the Wars: Police, Courts and Institutional Adjustment
Learning Family Business: Paradoxes and Pathways: Paradoxes and Pathways
Learning Family Business: Paradoxes and Pathways: Paradoxes and Pathways
Paphos: A History
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