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Tony Diterlizzi

Tony Diterlizzi biografia





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Biografia Tony Diterlizzi
Tony Diterlizzi
Modifica bioCronologia

Tony DiTerlizzi nato nel 1969 in una famiglia di artisti, in California. Ha frequentato la Florida School of the Arts e The Art Institute of Fort Lauderdale. Ha poi cominciato a lavorare come illustratore free lance e nel giro di qualche anno si affermato, grazie ai suoi splendidi disegni e ai numerosi premi guadagnati sul campo, ispirandosi a grandi autori come Norman Rockwell, Arthur Rackham, Dr Suess, Roald Dahl. In Italia noto tra gli amanti di fumetti e dei giochi di ruolo per aver creato gli universi fantastici di Planescape, del Mondo di Tenebra e di The Magic Gathering. Per Mondadori ha illustrato la serie di Spiderwick. molto noto anche per le carte collezionabili Magic. Attualmente vive e lavora ad Amherst nel Massachussetts. sposato con Angela con la quale ha avuto una figlia, Sofia.

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Ultimi libri pubblicati di
Tony Diterlizzi
Spiderwick Tome 4 : l'arbre de fer
Spiderwick Tome 4 : l'arbre de fer
Las crónicas de Spiderwick Vol. 1: El libro de las criaturas
Las crónicas de Spiderwick Vol. 1: El libro de las criaturas
Las crónicas de Spiderwick Vol. 2: La pidera clarividente
Las crónicas de Spiderwick Vol. 2: La pidera clarividente
Libro de Linaje: Boggans
Libro de Linaje: Boggans
O Mapa Secreto
O Mapa Secreto
A Árvore de Metal
A Árvore de Metal
Spiderwick Tome 1 : le livre magique
Spiderwick Tome 1 : le livre magique
Spiderwick T2 : La lunette de pierre
Spiderwick T2 : La lunette de pierre
Le cronache di Spiderwick. La raccolta completa
Le cronache di Spiderwick. La raccolta completa
Arthur Spiderwick's Field Guide to the Fantastical World Around You
Arthur Spiderwick's Field Guide to the Fantastical World Around You
A Very Cranky Book
A Very Cranky Book
Lucinda's Secret: 3
Lucinda's Secret: 3
The Ironwood Tree: 4
The Ironwood Tree: 4
The Wrath of Mulgarath: 5
The Wrath of Mulgarath: 5
The Search for Wondla: Volume 1
The Search for Wondla: Volume 1
The Battle for Wondla: Volume 3
The Battle for Wondla: Volume 3
The Field Guide: 1
The Field Guide: 1
The Seeing Stone: 2
The Seeing Stone: 2
Estuche saga "Spiderwick": El libro de las criaturas, La piedra clarividente, El secreto de Lucinda, El árbol metálico, La ira de Mulgarath
Estuche saga
The Wondla Trilogy (Boxed Set): The Search for Wondla; a Hero for Wondla; the Battle for Wondla
The Wondla Trilogy (Boxed Set): The Search for Wondla; a Hero for Wondla; the Battle for Wondla
The Search for Wondla: Volume 1
The Search for Wondla: Volume 1
A Hero for Wondla: Volume 2
A Hero for Wondla: Volume 2
The Battle for Wondla: Volume 3
The Battle for Wondla: Volume 3
Lucinda's Secret
Lucinda's Secret
The Ironwood Tree
The Ironwood Tree
The Wrath of Mulgarath
The Wrath of Mulgarath
The Nixie's Song: Volume 6
The Nixie's Song: Volume 6
The Wyrm King: Volume 8
The Wyrm King: Volume 8
The Spiderwick Chronicles Collection: The Field Guide / The Seeing Stone / Lucinda's Secret / The Ironwood Tree / The Wrath of Mulgarath / The Nixie's Song / A Giant Problem / The Wyrm King
The Spiderwick Chronicles Collection: The Field Guide / The Seeing Stone / Lucinda's Secret / The Ironwood Tree / The Wrath of Mulgarath / The Nixie's Song / A Giant Problem / The Wyrm King
Lucinda's Secret: Volume 3
Lucinda's Secret: Volume 3
The Field Guide: Volume 1
The Field Guide: Volume 1
The Ironwood Tree: Volume 4
The Ironwood Tree: Volume 4
The Seeing Stone: Volume 2
The Seeing Stone: Volume 2
The Wrath of Mulgarath: Volume 5
The Wrath of Mulgarath: Volume 5
The Wyrm King: Volume 8
The Wyrm King: Volume 8
A Giant Problem: Volume 7
A Giant Problem: Volume 7
The Nixie's Song: Volume 6
The Nixie's Song: Volume 6
The Wyrm King: Volume 8
The Wyrm King: Volume 8
El árbol metálico/ The Ironwood Tree
El árbol metálico/ The Ironwood Tree
El ogro malvado/ The Wrath of Mulgarath
El ogro malvado/ The Wrath of Mulgarath
Las crónicas de Spiderwick/ The Field Guide
Las crónicas de Spiderwick/ The Field Guide
Las crónicas de Spiderwick/ The Seeing Stone
Las crónicas de Spiderwick/ The Seeing Stone
The Field Guide: Volume 1
The Field Guide: Volume 1
The Seeing Stone: Volume 2
The Seeing Stone: Volume 2
Lucinda's Secret: Volume 3
Lucinda's Secret: Volume 3
The Ironwood Tree: Volume 4
The Ironwood Tree: Volume 4
The Wrath of Mulgarath: Volume 5
The Wrath of Mulgarath: Volume 5
The Spiderwick Collection: The Field Guide / the Seeing Stone / Lucinda's Secret / the Ironwood Tree / the Wrath of Mulgarath
The Spiderwick Collection: The Field Guide / the Seeing Stone / Lucinda's Secret / the Ironwood Tree / the Wrath of Mulgarath
The Tales of Kenny Rabbit: Kenny & the Dragon; Kenny & the Book of Beasts
The Tales of Kenny Rabbit: Kenny & the Dragon; Kenny & the Book of Beasts
Kenny & the Book of Beasts
Kenny & the Book of Beasts

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