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For Better For Worse: A light-hearted guide to wedded bliss

Does he habitually leave his socks on the bathroom floor? Does she insist on interrupting your favourite programme to make you explain the plot (when she's clearly not interested in it anyway)? Never fear. For, as Jane Fearnley-Whittingstall shows in For Better, For Worse, a good marriage is all in the detail. This charming, perceptive book takes a light-hearted look at marriage from all angles - in the kitchen, in the garden, on holiday. Jane combines stories and tips collected from couples of all ages with quotes and extracts on the joys (and occasional pains) of married life from voices as diverse as George Bernard Shaw and Jane Austen, Winston Churchill and Nancy Mitford. For Better, For Worse is a celebration of marriage in all its comic frustration and gloriousness. Whether you are about to be married, or you are on your paper, your brass or your diamond wedding anniversary, it will keep you and your other half entertained till death do you part.
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