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The Flash by Mark Waid 6

In 1990 Mark Waid's legendary writing career began when he scripted his first issue of The Flash. Waid continued to work on Wally West for nearly a decade, building a world that would keep the character running for years after Waid's departure to other titles. Under Waid's keen pen, Wally West gained a new depth of character that changed The Flash for good. In this next graphic novel chapter, the mayor of Keystone asks the Flash to relocate himself away from Keystone City -- but trouble still manages to find the Fastest Man Alive in his new home of Santa Marta. First, the Flash saves a presidential candidate from the Top, a member of the Rogues. The, Mr. Frost strikes -- and his illusions threaten to destroy both the Flash and his new home. And when word spreads that the Flash has moved to a new city, several of his greatest foes show up to cause trouble, including the earthquake causing Major Disaster! The sixth volume of The Flash by Mark Waid collects The Flash #119-128 and the two-part series Green Lantern and The Flash: Faster Friends, Flash Plus Nightwing #1, Showcase '96 #12 and a story from DC Univserse Holiday Bash #1
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