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101 Stunning Story Starters: Dozens of amazing openers to banish the block and get you writing again!

To a writer, there's nothing more terrifying than a blank page. Trust me, I know. I face them all the time. Knowing you have to fill that entire page - and every other page after it - with words, sentences and paragraphs is enough to make you run away, screaming for mercy. And yet, once you get going, once you've soiled the page with a line or two, it suddenly doesn't seem so scary any more. Now, all you have to do is carry on, and see where the story and characters take you. So, just get started.  Go on... I know. It's not quite as easy as that, is it? First you need an idea, then at least one character (ever tried to write a story without one? It's nigh on impossible!) And those things aren't easy to come by, especially if the muse has decided to take the day off and go for a picnic. So, in an effort to help, I tied my muse to a chair (please don't tell the Society For The Prevention of Cruelty To Inspirational Greek Deities; I'm already on their radar for misusing an entire herd of plot points). Once I had it trapped, I squeezed it until 101 story ideas dribbled out. Then, I took each idea, wrote an exciting story starter for it, and crammed them together inside this book. Now, these openers are yours. To keep, and to do with whatever you want. I'm serious. Try one out for fun, use a couple as a warm-up exercise to get your imagination flowing, or mix three together and turn them into a best-selling novel or award-winning screenplay. It's completely up to you. I can't promise you'll become a millionaire, or win an Oscar but - if you do - fantastic! You won't owe me a single penny. You bought this book, these story ideas now belong to you. Just give me a mention in your autobiography or acceptance speech, OK? So, what are you waiting for? Dive in, pick a story starter, and get writing!
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