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LAUGH LOVE LIVE: You deserve a joyful life. Play your winning card NOW!

A life that is fulfilling and satisfying, a happy life, can be the fruit of specific external events which influence it, but it is above all a choice that we can make, if we want to, at every instant. Starting our ideal life-path itinerary with the word LAUGH is a form of provocation: we don't laugh because something good has happened to us, but good things happen to us because we laugh! Therefore LAUGH, for it will lead to LOVE, which encourages us to LIVE our life as though it were a work of art in the making, the best possible goal for our time on this tumultuous, often tormented planet. Creating our own personal LAUGH LOVE LIVE plan can be beneficial to others as well as to the environments in which we interact. How this can be brought about will be the theme of this book, a path, dear reader, which we will travel together and which certainly won't end once you've finished reading!
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