Recensioni libri

I Libri di Charles Freeman

Charles Freeman
The Children of Athena: Greek writers and thinkers in the Age of Rome, 150 BC–AD 400
The Children of Athena: Greek writers and thinkers in the Age of Rome, 150 BC–AD 400
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The Children of Athena: Greek Intellectuals in the Age of Rome: 150 Bc0-400 Ad
The Children of Athena: Greek Intellectuals in the Age of Rome: 150 Bc0-400 Ad
Anno di pubblicazione: 2024
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The Children of Athena
The Children of Athena
Anno di pubblicazione: 2024
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An Elementary Treatise on the Planetary Theory: With a Collection of Problems
An Elementary Treatise on the Planetary Theory: With a Collection of Problems
Anno di pubblicazione: 2024
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