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The Mommy Plan, Restoring Your Post-Pregnancy Body Naturally, Using Women's Traditional Wisdom

Robin Lim Libri

For the very first time science is put behind evidenced based proof. Anatomy, food science and medical science are put behind core tenants of one of the most effective traditional post-pregnancy recovery programs in the world. Specific guidelines and recommendations surrounding a mother?s diet, activities and personal care after childbirth are presented in detail. How food is used as medicine and why certain foods can negatively or positively affect the healing capabilities of a woman?s body as it transitions back to a non-pregnant state are answered. The traditional recovery guidelines presented in this book have been adapted for a western diet and lifestyle making it easy, and cost effective, for a recovering mother to incorporate them into her daily routine. Suggestions of how staple meals can be adapted to the recommended cooking guidelines as well as sample recipes and shopping lists are included. Moms are Searching for Ways to Speed-Up Recovery from PregnancyThe childbirth community is in transition as more mothers are searching for ways to help speed up their recovery from childbirth as the United States is one of only four countries in the world that does not require employers to provide paid maternity care. Therefore, moms need to return to work as soon as they are able. The result of this is that there is a postpartum epidemic happening in the United States as approximately 1.25 million mothers are diagnosed annually with some type of postpartum related anxiety, illness or depression (PPD). Post-pregnancy Recovery Information VoidThere is ample knowledge regarding fertility and pregnancy in western countries however there is a huge void in any specific post-pregnancy recovery knowledge that is widely known or followed. Western countries that do not have a supportive post-pregnancy culture have only one solution, to turn to countries that have a rich postnatal heritage in order to gain insight and knowledge. Therefore, Western countries are no longer ignoring the fact that there is ample evidence-based proof regarding the effectiveness of traditional post-pregnancy guidelines and how they accelerate a mother?s recovery from pregnancy and childbirth. However, the primary obstacle in the past, to allow for general acceptance, has been the lack of explanation of how traditional post-pregnancy guidelines positively affects a mother?s body as it transitions back to a non-pregnant state; and how such effects assist with a speedy recovery? These obstacles have been demystified in this book.Don?t Underestimate Them, Understand ThemWestern countries are no longer underestimating the effectiveness of traditional post-pregnancy traditions; they are being understood. As women across the world are embracing more natural ways and means into their lifestyle, western mommies are searching for natural ways to recover from childbirth. The ability to heal at a faster rate from pregnancy is required in modern cultures as women must resume their normal life within weeks after delivery. The Mommy Plan is an introduction of the modern practical application of traditional post-pregnancy care. The Daddy PlanDads are also remembered with the final chapter of the book called, The Daddy Plan. There is a note to mommies in the beginning of this chapter to, ?Pass the book over to the daddy to read.? This chapter provides dads with a brief overview of important information for new, as well as successive, dads on how they may best support the mommy. REAL COMMENTS FROM REAL DADS are included to share real-life dad-to-dad perspectives and where modern dads get their information.
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