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Richard Sennett

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Recensione Richard Sennett

Richard Sennett

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Ultimi libri pubblicati di
Richard Sennett
De ambachtsman: De mens als maker
De ambachtsman: De mens als maker
"carriages Without Horses Shall Go"
The Performer: Art, Life, Politics
The Performer: Art, Life, Politics
Building and Dwelling: Ethics for the City
Building and Dwelling: Ethics for the City
The Marine Steam Engine: A Treatise for the Use of Engineering Students and Officers of the Royal Navy (Classic Reprint)
The Marine Steam Engine: A Treatise for the Use of Engineering Students and Officers of the Royal Navy (Classic Reprint)
The Marine Steam Engine: A Treatise for Engineering Students, Young Engineers, and Officers of the Royal Navy and Mercantile Marine (Classic Re
The Marine Steam Engine: A Treatise for Engineering Students, Young Engineers, and Officers of the Royal Navy and Mercantile Marine (Classic Re
Garden Cities in Theory and Practice: Being an Amplification of a Paper of the Potentialities of Applied Science in a Garden City
Garden Cities in Theory and Practice: Being an Amplification of a Paper of the Potentialities of Applied Science in a Garden City
The Marine Steam Engine: A Treatise for Engineering Students, Young Engineers, and Officers of the Royal Navy and Mercantile Marine
The Marine Steam Engine: A Treatise for Engineering Students, Young Engineers, and Officers of the Royal Navy and Mercantile Marine
La revolución de la proximidad: De la «ciudad-mundo» a la «ciudad de los quince minutos»
La revolución de la proximidad: De la «ciudad-mundo» a la «ciudad de los quince minutos»
Garden Cities in Theory and Practice, Vol. 1 (Classic Reprint)
Garden Cities in Theory and Practice, Vol. 1 (Classic Reprint)
The Marine Steam Engine: A Treatise for Engineering Students, Young Engineers, and Officers of the Royal Navy and Mercantile Marine
The Marine Steam Engine: A Treatise for Engineering Students, Young Engineers, and Officers of the Royal Navy and Mercantile Marine
Garden Cities in Theory and Practice: Being an Amplification of a Paper of the Potentialities of Applied Science in a Garden City
Garden Cities in Theory and Practice: Being an Amplification of a Paper of the Potentialities of Applied Science in a Garden City
The Marine Steam Engine
The Marine Steam Engine
The Marine Steam Engine: A Treatise for the Use of Engineering Students and Officers of the Royal Navy
The Marine Steam Engine: A Treatise for the Use of Engineering Students and Officers of the Royal Navy
Ensemble (Espaces Libres - Idées)
Ensemble (Espaces Libres - Idées)
Le Travail sans qualités (Espaces Libres - Idées)
Le Travail sans qualités (Espaces Libres - Idées)
The Marine Steam Engine: A Treatise for the Use of Engineering Students and Officers of the Royal Navy (Classic Reprint)
The Marine Steam Engine: A Treatise for the Use of Engineering Students and Officers of the Royal Navy (Classic Reprint)
Marine Steam Engines
Marine Steam Engines
Los usos del desorden: La identidad personal y la vida en la ciudad
Los usos del desorden: La identidad personal y la vida en la ciudad
The Hidden Injuries of Class
The Hidden Injuries of Class
Progettare il disordine. Idee per la città del XXI secolo
Progettare il disordine. Idee per la città del XXI secolo
Designing Disorder: Experiments and Disruptions in the City
Designing Disorder: Experiments and Disruptions in the City
Ce que sait la main - la culture de l'artisanat
Ce que sait la main - la culture de l'artisanat
Conversations With Richard Sennett
Conversations With Richard Sennett
Garden Cities in Theory and Practice, Vol. 1 (Classic Reprint)
Garden Cities in Theory and Practice, Vol. 1 (Classic Reprint)

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Hard Rain Falling: Un Viaggio Dostoevskiano nel Buio dell'America degli anni '40
New York negli Anni '60: Lo Scenario Urbano di Jim entra nel campo di basket di Jim Carroll
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Le cavie umane nell'Unità di Ninni Holmqvist
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