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Ben Jonson

Ben Jonson biografia





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Biografia Ben Jonson
Ben Jonson
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Ben Jonson (Londra 1572-1637), drammaturgo e poeta inglese; figura di primo piano del teatro elisabettiano. Abbandonati gli studi per volontà del patrigno, fu da questi avviato al mestiere di muratore. Nel 1592, dopo una breve esperienza militare, si unì alla compagnia teatrale di Philip Henslowe, dove si formò come attore e drammaturgo. Nel 1598 la Lord Chamberlain's Company di William Shakespeare mise in scena la sua prima opera originale, Ognuno nel suo umore, seguita l'anno dopo da Ognuno fuori del suo umore. Con queste due commedie, costruite sul modello di Plauto, Jonson introdusse la cosiddetta 'commedia degli umori', satira nella quale i personaggi, in base alle teorie mediche galeniche, derivano il proprio carattere dalla prevalenza di un 'umore' (flegma, bile nera, bile gialla e sangue) sugli altri.

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Ultimi libri pubblicati di
Ben Jonson
The Works of Ben Jonson. With Notes Critical and Explanatory and a Biographical Memoir: Vol. III
The Works of Ben Jonson. With Notes Critical and Explanatory and a Biographical Memoir: Vol. III
The Poetaster, or His Arraignment: in large print
The Poetaster, or His Arraignment: in large print
The Complete Plays of Ben Jonson
The Complete Plays of Ben Jonson
Bartholomew Fair
Bartholomew Fair
The Staple of News
The Staple of News
The Selected Plays of Ben Jonson: Sejanus, Volpone, Epicoene Or The Silent Woman
The Selected Plays of Ben Jonson: Sejanus, Volpone, Epicoene Or The Silent Woman
Every Man in His Humor; Comedy of humours: in large print
Every Man in His Humor; Comedy of humours: in large print
Discoveries Made Upon Men and Matter and Some Poems: in large print
Discoveries Made Upon Men and Matter and Some Poems: in large print
Sejanus His Fall; A tragedy: in large print
Sejanus His Fall; A tragedy: in large print
The Poetaster, or His Arraignment: in large print
The Poetaster, or His Arraignment: in large print
Epicoene; Or, The Silent Woman: in large print
Epicoene; Or, The Silent Woman: in large print
The Alchemist: in large print
The Alchemist: in large print
Ben Jonson's Underwood
Ben Jonson's Underwood
Every Man Out of His Humour, 1600 (Classic Reprint)
Every Man Out of His Humour, 1600 (Classic Reprint)
Ben Jonson's Dramen, Vol. 1: In Neudruck Herausgegeben Nach Der Folio 1616 (Classic Reprint)
Ben Jonson's Dramen, Vol. 1: In Neudruck Herausgegeben Nach Der Folio 1616 (Classic Reprint)
Plays and Poems (Classic Reprint)
Plays and Poems (Classic Reprint)
Every Man in His Humour: A Comedy, in Five Acts
Every Man in His Humour: A Comedy, in Five Acts
The Poems of Robert Greene, Christopher Marlowe, and Ben Johnson
The Poems of Robert Greene, Christopher Marlowe, and Ben Johnson
The Workes of Benjamin Jonson
The Workes of Benjamin Jonson
Catilina: Tragédie en Cinq Actes (Classic Reprint)
Catilina: Tragédie en Cinq Actes (Classic Reprint)
The Dramatic Works of Ben Jonson, and Beaumont and Fletcher, Vol. 1 of 4 (Classic Reprint)
The Dramatic Works of Ben Jonson, and Beaumont and Fletcher, Vol. 1 of 4 (Classic Reprint)
Ben Jonson und Seine Schule, Vol. 1: Dargestellt in Einer Auswahl von Lustspielen und Tragödien (Classic Reprint)
Ben Jonson und Seine Schule, Vol. 1: Dargestellt in Einer Auswahl von Lustspielen und Tragödien (Classic Reprint)
The Dramatic Works of Ben Jonson, and Beaumont and Fletcher, Vol. 3 of 4 (Classic Reprint)
The Dramatic Works of Ben Jonson, and Beaumont and Fletcher, Vol. 3 of 4 (Classic Reprint)
Jonson, B: Complete Plays, Vol. 1 of 2 (Classic Reprint)
Jonson, B: Complete Plays, Vol. 1 of 2 (Classic Reprint)
Jonson, B: Complete Plays of Ben Jonson, Vol. 2 (Classic Rep
Jonson, B: Complete Plays of Ben Jonson, Vol. 2 (Classic Rep
Catiline, His Conspiracy: Edited with Notes and Glossary (Classic Reprint)
Catiline, His Conspiracy: Edited with Notes and Glossary (Classic Reprint)
Jonson, B: Poetaster
Jonson, B: Poetaster
Jonson, B: Epicoene
Jonson, B: Epicoene
Jonson, B: Cynthia's Revels
Jonson, B: Cynthia's Revels
Works: With Notes Critical and Explanatory and a Biographical Memoir, Vol. 2 of 9 (Classic Reprint)
Works: With Notes Critical and Explanatory and a Biographical Memoir, Vol. 2 of 9 (Classic Reprint)
Jonson, B: At the Auditorium Playe-House, Chicago Neare to t
Jonson, B: At the Auditorium Playe-House, Chicago Neare to t
The Dramatic Works of Ben Jonson, and Beaumont and Fletcher, Vol. 2 of 4 (Classic Reprint)
The Dramatic Works of Ben Jonson, and Beaumont and Fletcher, Vol. 2 of 4 (Classic Reprint)
Jonson, B: Sejanus (Classic Reprint)
Jonson, B: Sejanus (Classic Reprint)
Three Masques (Classic Reprint)
Three Masques (Classic Reprint)
Discoveries and Some Poems
Discoveries and Some Poems

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