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Jane Yolen

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Biografia Jane Yolen
Jane Yolen
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Jane Yolen, nata l'11 febbraio 1939 a New York. Laureata all'universitą del Massachusetts nel 1976.E' stata definita l'Hans Christian Andersen d'America e la Esopo del XX secolo. E' una delle pił famose autrici di fantasy e libri per bambini (ne ha scritti pił di trecento). Havinto numerosi premi tra cui: la Caldecott Medal per il romanzo Owl Moon, due Nebula Awards per Sister Dark e White Jenna, due Christopher Medals, il World Fantasy Award, tre Mythopoeic  Awards, il Golden Kite Award, il Jewish Book Award per il romanzo The Devil's Arhtmetic ed infine il World Fantasy Award alla carriera.    

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Ultimi libri pubblicati di
Jane Yolen
The Many Problems of Rochel-leah
The Many Problems of Rochel-leah
Nana and Me: Special Poems Just for Us
Nana and Me: Special Poems Just for Us
Too Many Golems
Too Many Golems
Eeny Up Above
Eeny Up Above
Eeny and Her Sisters
Eeny and Her Sisters
Mighty Micah
Mighty Micah
See This Little Dot
See This Little Dot
Dupa Bufnite
Dupa Bufnite
Tea with an Old Giant
Tea with an Old Giant
Schlemiel Comes to America
Schlemiel Comes to America
What to Do With a Stick
What to Do With a Stick
Schlemiel Comes to America
Schlemiel Comes to America
Body Music: Poems About the Noises Your Body Makes: Some for a Purpose, Some by Accident, and Some to Make Actual Music
Body Music: Poems About the Noises Your Body Makes: Some for a Purpose, Some by Accident, and Some to Make Actual Music
You Nest Here with Me
You Nest Here with Me
What to Do With a Box
What to Do With a Box
Interrupting Cow and the Horse of a Different Color: Ready-to-Read Level 2
Interrupting Cow and the Horse of a Different Color: Ready-to-Read Level 2
New Tricks for the Old Dog: Ready-to-Read Level 2
New Tricks for the Old Dog: Ready-to-Read Level 2
How Do Dinosaurs Eat Their Food?
How Do Dinosaurs Eat Their Food?
POST ROE Alternatives: Fighting Back
POST ROE Alternatives: Fighting Back
Grumbles from the Forest: Fairy-Tale Voices with a Twist
Grumbles from the Forest: Fairy-Tale Voices with a Twist
What to Do with a Stick
What to Do with a Stick
Shoreline of Infinity 32
Shoreline of Infinity 32
Thunder Underground
Thunder Underground
When Nana Dances
When Nana Dances
Shadow Atlas: Dark Landscapes of the Americas
Shadow Atlas: Dark Landscapes of the Americas
Yuck, You Suck!: Poems About Animals That Sip, Slurp, Suck
Yuck, You Suck!: Poems About Animals That Sip, Slurp, Suck
Deborah's Tree
Deborah's Tree
The Reinvented Heart: Tales of Futuristic Relationships
The Reinvented Heart: Tales of Futuristic Relationships
Giant Island
Giant Island
Mrs. Noah's Doves
Mrs. Noah's Doves
Joking, Rhyming Animals Ready-to-Read Value Pack: Interrupting Cow; Interrupting Cow and the Chicken Crossing the Road; School of Fish; Friendship on the High Seas; Racing the Waves; Rocking the Tide
Joking, Rhyming Animals Ready-to-Read Value Pack: Interrupting Cow; Interrupting Cow and the Chicken Crossing the Road; School of Fish; Friendship on the High Seas; Racing the Waves; Rocking the Tide
Once Around the Sun: Stories, Crafts, and Recipes to Celebrate the Sacred Earth Year
Once Around the Sun: Stories, Crafts, and Recipes to Celebrate the Sacred Earth Year
Rum Pum Pum
Rum Pum Pum
Mrs. Noah's Doves
Mrs. Noah's Doves
Elefantastic!: A Story of Magic in 5 Acts: Light Verse on a Heavy Subject
Elefantastic!: A Story of Magic in 5 Acts: Light Verse on a Heavy Subject
On Eagle Cove
On Eagle Cove

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