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Lemony Snicket

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Biografia Lemony Snicket
Lemony Snicket
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Dal sito ufficiale dell'autore si legge:

Lemony Snicket č nato prima che tu fossi, e probabilmente morirŕ prima di te.
La sua famiglia ha le radici in una parte del paese che si trova ora sott'acqua.
Ha passato la sua giovinezza nel relativo splendore di Villa Snicket che diventň una fattoria, una fortezza e una farmacia. Ora č la casa di qualcun altro.
Per un occhio non allenato la cittŕ del signor Snicket apparirŕ vuota di ogni segreto. Chi non sa guardare, fino ad oggi si č sbagliato.

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Ultimi libri pubblicati di
Lemony Snicket
The Vile Village: New for 2024, the 25th anniversary collector’s edition of the 7th book in Lemony Snicket’s classic children’s mystery series
The Vile Village: New for 2024, the 25th anniversary collector’s edition of the 7th book in Lemony Snicket’s classic children’s mystery series
The Hostile Hospital: New for 2024, the 25th anniversary collector’s edition of the 8th book in Lemony Snicket’s classic children’s mystery series
The Hostile Hospital: New for 2024, the 25th anniversary collector’s edition of the 8th book in Lemony Snicket’s classic children’s mystery series
The Carnivorous Carnival: New for 2024, the 25th anniversary collector’s edition of the 9th book in Lemony Snicket’s classic children’s mystery series
The Carnivorous Carnival: New for 2024, the 25th anniversary collector’s edition of the 9th book in Lemony Snicket’s classic children’s mystery series
The Slippery Slope: New for 2024, the 25th anniversary collector’s edition of the 10th book in Lemony Snicket’s classic children’s mystery series
The Slippery Slope: New for 2024, the 25th anniversary collector’s edition of the 10th book in Lemony Snicket’s classic children’s mystery series
The Grim Grotto: New for 2024, the 25th anniversary collector’s edition of the 11th book in Lemony Snicket’s classic children’s mystery series
The Grim Grotto: New for 2024, the 25th anniversary collector’s edition of the 11th book in Lemony Snicket’s classic children’s mystery series
The Penultimate Peril: New for 2024, the 25th anniversary collector’s edition of the 12th book in Lemony Snicket’s classic children’s mystery series
The Penultimate Peril: New for 2024, the 25th anniversary collector’s edition of the 12th book in Lemony Snicket’s classic children’s mystery series
The End: New for 2024, the 25th anniversary collector’s edition of the 13th and final book in Lemony Snicket’s classic children’s mystery series
The End: New for 2024, the 25th anniversary collector’s edition of the 13th and final book in Lemony Snicket’s classic children’s mystery series
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La sinistra segheria. Una serie di sfortunati eventi (Vol. 4)
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La funesta finestra. Una serie di sfortunati eventi (Vol. 3)
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Un infausto inizio. Una serie di sfortunati eventi (Vol. 1)
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The Bad Beginning: the 25th anniversary collector’s edition of the very 1st book in Lemony Snicket’s classic children’s mystery series
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The Wide Window: the 25th anniversary Collector’s Edition of Lemony Snicket’s classic mystery tale
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The Miserable Mill: the 25th anniversary Collector’s Edition of Lemony Snicket’s classic mystery tale
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The Austere Academy: the 25th anniversary Collector’s Edition of Lemony Snicket’s classic mystery tale
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