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Megan McDonald

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Biografia Megan McDonald
Megan McDonald
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Megan McDonald, bibliotecaria, nata il 28 febbraio 1959, a Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, é autrice di libri per bambini. Famosa per la serie Judy Moody ha pubblicato 25 libri per bambini e libri per ragazzi. Adesso vive a Sebastopol, in California con il marito.

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Ultimi libri pubblicati di
Megan McDonald
Julie: My Journal
Julie: My Journal
Judy Moody, Mood Martian
Judy Moody, Mood Martian
Judy Moody 15 Books Collection Box Set By Megan McDonald(1-15 Books)(Judy Moody, Get Famous!, Saves The World!, Predicts The Future, The Doctor is In!, Declares Independence! & More)
Judy Moody 15 Books Collection Box Set By Megan McDonald(1-15 Books)(Judy Moody, Get Famous!, Saves The World!, Predicts The Future, The Doctor is In!, Declares Independence! & More)
Judy Moody and the NOT Bummer Summer
Judy Moody and the NOT Bummer Summer
Bunny and Clyde
Bunny and Clyde
Stink: Superhero Superfan
Stink: Superhero Superfan
Book Quiz Whiz: 15
Book Quiz Whiz: 15
Judy Moody, Girl Detective
Judy Moody, Girl Detective
Stink: Superhero Superfan
Stink: Superhero Superfan
The Psychology Project Manual
The Psychology Project Manual
Judy Moody and the Bad Luck Charm
Judy Moody and the Bad Luck Charm
Judy Moody Goes to College
Judy Moody Goes to College
Judy Moody and the Bucket List
Judy Moody and the Bucket List
Judy Moody: The Doctor Is In!
Judy Moody: The Doctor Is In!
Judy Moody Predicts the Future
Judy Moody Predicts the Future
Stink y la rareza de la rana rara/ Stink and the Freaky Frog Freakout
Stink y la rareza de la rana rara/ Stink and the Freaky Frog Freakout
Stink y el Gran Expreso del Cobaya/ Stink and The Great Guinea Pig Express
Stink y el Gran Expreso del Cobaya/ Stink and The Great Guinea Pig Express
Hania Humorek zostaje gwiazdÄ - Megan McDonald [KSIÄĹťKA]
Hania Humorek zostaje gwiazdÄ - Megan McDonald [KSIÄĹťKA]
Hania Humorek Mistrzyni humorków
Hania Humorek Mistrzyni humorków
Doktor Judy Moody: Джуді Муді ― лікарка
Doktor Judy Moody: Джуді Муді ― лікарка
Stink: The Absolutely Astronomical Collection
Stink: The Absolutely Astronomical Collection
Poets Anonymous 30th Anniversary Anthology
Poets Anonymous 30th Anniversary Anthology
Judy Moody Declares Independence!
Judy Moody Declares Independence!
Shake and Quake
Shake and Quake
Judy Moody salva el planeta/ Judy Moody Saves the World!
Judy Moody salva el planeta/ Judy Moody Saves the World!
Stink y los tenis más apestosos del mundo/ Stink and the World's Worst Super-Stinky Sneakers
Stink y los tenis más apestosos del mundo/ Stink and the World's Worst Super-Stinky Sneakers
Judy Moody está de humor marciano/ Judy Moody Mood Martian
Judy Moody está de humor marciano/ Judy Moody Mood Martian
Judy Moody: In a Monday Mood
Judy Moody: In a Monday Mood
Judy Moody está de mal humor/ Judy Moody Was In a Mood
Judy Moody está de mal humor/ Judy Moody Was In a Mood
Judy Moody y la lista de deseos/ Judy Moody and The Bucket List
Judy Moody y la lista de deseos/ Judy Moody and The Bucket List
Stink y la pijamada tiburón/ Stink and the Shark Sleepover
Stink y la pijamada tiburón/ Stink and the Shark Sleepover
Stink el increíble niño menguante/ Stink The Incredible Shrinking Kid
Stink el increíble niño menguante/ Stink The Incredible Shrinking Kid

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