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Michael Evans

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Biografia Michael Evans
Michael Evans
Modifica bioCronologia

Gli autori Michael Evans ha esercitato la professione medica in Gran Bretagna, in Germania e in Svizzera, prima di partecipare, nel 1979, alla fondazione della Park Attwood Clinic nel Worcestershire, il primo ospedale antroposofico in Inghilterra. Iain Rodger lavora come giornalista per la Bbc.

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Ultimi libri pubblicati di
Michael Evans
Don't Ever Laugh at a Ladybird
Don't Ever Laugh at a Ladybird
Language Development and Social Integration of Students With English As an Additional Language
Language Development and Social Integration of Students With English As an Additional Language
Don't Ever Smile at a Shark
Don't Ever Smile at a Shark
Heling voor lichaam, ziel en geest: Een kennismaking met antroposofische geneeskunde
Heling voor lichaam, ziel en geest: Een kennismaking met antroposofische geneeskunde
The Colour Out of Deathlehem: An Anthology of Holiday Horrors for Charity
The Colour Out of Deathlehem: An Anthology of Holiday Horrors for Charity
Look Back into the Dark
Look Back into the Dark
Riding Shotgun with God
Riding Shotgun with God
Śmierć królów: Tragiczne zgony władców średniowiecznej Anglii
Śmierć królów: Tragiczne zgony władców średniowiecznej Anglii
The Superdudes
The Superdudes
Mathematical Methods VCE Units 1&2
Mathematical Methods VCE Units 1&2
Specialist Mathematics VCE Units 1&2
Specialist Mathematics VCE Units 1&2
Creator Economy for Authors: A Guide to the Future of Publishing
Creator Economy for Authors: A Guide to the Future of Publishing
Dark Town
Dark Town
Who Benefits from Social Protection and Private Transfers?: Assessing the Effectiveness of Social Protection
Who Benefits from Social Protection and Private Transfers?: Assessing the Effectiveness of Social Protection
Don't Take a T-Rex Out For Tea
Don't Take a T-Rex Out For Tea
The EC Archives: Shock Suspenstories Volume 3
The EC Archives: Shock Suspenstories Volume 3
Krankenhausarbeit Digital: Betriebliche Digitalisierungsprozesse Mitarbeiterorientiert Gestalten
Krankenhausarbeit Digital: Betriebliche Digitalisierungsprozesse Mitarbeiterorientiert Gestalten
Faster Cures: Accelerating the Future of Health
Faster Cures: Accelerating the Future of Health
Vincents Sternennacht (Kunst für Kinder): Eine Kunstgeschichte für Kinder
Vincents Sternennacht (Kunst für Kinder): Eine Kunstgeschichte für Kinder
GCSE Maths Edexcel Higher Student Book
GCSE Maths Edexcel Higher Student Book
GCSE Maths Edexcel Foundation Student Book
GCSE Maths Edexcel Foundation Student Book
GCSE Maths AQA Higher Student Book
GCSE Maths AQA Higher Student Book
Cambridge Mathematics, Science and Humanities for the Victorian Curriculum Bundle 7
Cambridge Mathematics, Science and Humanities for the Victorian Curriculum Bundle 7
Infertility and Other Reproductive Disorders in Dairy Cattle: 31
Infertility and Other Reproductive Disorders in Dairy Cattle: 31
Superman vol. 03: La casa de El (Superman Saga - La saga de la Unidad Parte 3)
Superman vol. 03: La casa de El (Superman Saga - La saga de la Unidad Parte 3)
Mathematical Methods VCE Units 3&4
Mathematical Methods VCE Units 3&4
Through the Billboard Promised Land Without Ever Stopping
Through the Billboard Promised Land Without Ever Stopping
Evolutionary Theory and Visual Culture: The Darwin Effect
Evolutionary Theory and Visual Culture: The Darwin Effect
SNAFU: Holy War
SNAFU: Holy War
Roosevelt and Churchill The Atlantic Charter: A Risky Meeting at Sea that Saved Democracy
Roosevelt and Churchill The Atlantic Charter: A Risky Meeting at Sea that Saved Democracy
Waste to Renewable Biohydrogen: Numerical Modelling and Sustainability Assessment
Waste to Renewable Biohydrogen: Numerical Modelling and Sustainability Assessment
Know, Love, Transform Yourself - Vol. I: Theory, techniques and new developments in Psychosynthesis
Know, Love, Transform Yourself - Vol. I: Theory, techniques and new developments in Psychosynthesis

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