Biografia Samuel Johnson |
Nato a Lichfield [Staffordshire] nel 1709 (morì a London nel 1784), deciso a occuparsi di letteratura, si trasferì a London dove visse nei primi anni in estrema povertà mantenendosi con lavori di compilazione. Una certa fama ebbe con l'adattamento di due satire di Iovenalis: London (1738) e La vanità dei desideri umani (The vanity of human wishes, 1749). La sua fama è legata al "Dizionario della lingua inglese" (Dictionary of the english language, 1747-1755), il primo del genere, quasi interamente redatto da lui e costruito sulle sue vastissime letture. Nel 1764 fondò un celebre circolo letterario, The Club (che diverrà poi Literary Club). Johnson, noto con il nome di "dottor Johnson", fu tra i primi letterati professionisti, al centro del mondo culturale inglese del tempo. Pubblicò saggi sul «The Rambler» (1750-1752), e sul «The Idler» (1758- 1760). Scrisse la tragedia Irene (1749). Racconto filosofico alla maniera del "Candide" di Voltaire è Rasselas (1759). Interessante anche "Un viaggio alle isole occidentali della Scozia" (A journey to the western islands of Scotland, 1775). Scrisse di critica, e le sue posizioni rimangono tra le più interessanti del secolo. Si segnalano "Vite di poeti" (Lives of poets, 1779-1781), e una famosa edizione dei "Drammi di Shakespeare" (The plays of W. Shakespeare, 1765) che è una delle prime moderne valutazioni della grandezza di Shakespeare. Diede un influsso decisivo sulle poetiche del romanticismo.
All'interno delle "Vite dei poeti" è anche la biografia scritta in memoria di Richard Savage: Resoconto della vita di Richard Savage (An account of the life of Mr Richard savage, 1744), scritta in età giovanile da Johnson e poi inclusa nella raccolta maggiore. Savage, autore mediocre e dalla vita certamente non esemplare, è posto accanto ai "grandi" dell'olimpo culturale inglese. Una cosa che non andò giù all'amico e biografo di Johnson, Boswell, che cercò vanamente di capirne le ragioni. In effetti questa biografia, è l'omaggio personale di Johnson a un autore ritenuto sfortunato: le "circostanze" e in parte il carattere dell'uomo sono la causa dei comportamenti certamente indifendibili di Savage. Johnson conobbe Savage, ne fu amico, legato in anni giovanili, formativi, in epoca che fu certamente determinante per lo sviluppo intellettuale di Johnson; lui è consapevole dei limiti dell'uomo e dell'artista, eppure ne ha pietà. Non si tratta solo di un atto di amicizia, ma la consapevolezza che aldilà dei limiti umani, esiste una vicinanza tra gli umani che va mantenuta. Sembra dire (a sè stesso) Johnson nelle pagine dedicate all'amico Savage: quello che era Savage sarei potuto essere anch'io, in circostanze simili e con un mestiere, quello intellettuale, così vulnerabile: l'importanza della biografia di Savage ha così valore umano esemplare, allo stesso modo dell'esemplarità delle altre biografie dedicate agli altri autori (come è stato notato, a Pope Johnson dedica "appena" una ventina di pagine in più...), per altri aspetti. Grandissimo conversatore, i suoi colloqui furono riportati dall'amico e ammiratore James Boswell nella sua "Vita di Samuel Johnson" (The life of Samuel Johnson, 1791).
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Ultimi libri pubblicati di Samuel Johnson | The Works of the English Poets: With prefaces, biographical and critical. Vol 24
| The Works of the English Poets: With prefaces, biographical and critical. Vol. 30
| A Discourse Delivered by Appointment of the Right Reverend Horatio Potter, D.D.
| Shakespeare for Children Retold by E. Nesbit: Easy Shakespeare Stories
| Companion to Johnson's Dictionary, Bengali and English. Peculiarly Calculated for the Use of European and Native Students
| The Works of Samuel Johnson, LL.D., In Eleven Volumes: Volume 11 - in large print
| The Works of Samuel Johnson, LL.D., In Eleven Volumes: Volume 6 - in large print
| Notes to Shakespeare: The Tragedies
| The Absolute Impossibility of Transubstantiation Demonstrated
| Oriental Religions and Their Relation to Universal Religion. China
| Johnson's dictionary, abridged for the use of schools, with the addition of Walker's pronunciation
| A Grammar of the English Tongue
| The Business They Stood On
| Lives of the Poets; In Nine Volumes: Volume 7 - in large print
| Lives of the English Poets; Gay, Thomson, Young, Gray &c.: in large print
| Lives of the English Poets; Addison, Savage, Swift: in large print
| The Works of Samuel Johnson; Volume 5
| The Plays and Poems of William Shakspeare; Volume 1
| The Works of Samuel Johnson, Ll. D.: A New Ed., in Twelve Volumes, to Which Is Prefixed, an Essay On His Life and Genius; Volume 5
| The Plays Of Shakspeare: Hamlet. Othello
| Sermons on Different Subjects Left for Publication
| A Dictionary of the English Language: In Which the Words Are Deduced From Their Originals, Explained in Their Different Meanings
| A Dictionary of the English Language: Vol. 1
| The Vicar of Wakefield
| Preface to Shakespeare
| John Marshall and the Constitution, a Chronicle of the Supreme Court
| Preface to a Dictionary of the English Language
| The History of the Caliph Vathek
| Lectures, Essays, and Sermons
| Science as a Means of Agricultural Progress. The Agricultural Experiment Stations of Europe
| The Works of Samuel Johnson, Ll. D.: Tales and Visions: The History of Rasselas, the Vision of Theodore, the Apotheosis of Milton. Prayers and ... Reflections. Irene, a Tragedy. Poems. Mi
| Sermons Attributed to Samuel Johnson: And Left for Publication by John Taylor
| The Dramatic Works of William Shakespeare: King Richard Ii. King Henry Iv, Parts I and II
| Oriental Religions and Their Relation to Universal Religion, Persia
| Companion to Johnson's Dictionary, Bengali and English; Peculiarly Calculated for the use of European and Native Students
| Letters of Samuel Johnson
| Prayers and Meditations. With a Preface by W. Gresley
| Dr. Johnson's Table-Talk: Aphorisms [&C.] Selected and Arranged From Mr. Boswell's Life of Johnson
| Rip Van Winkle
| A Bedtime Story and a Lullaby: The Elder Bush & When a Star Falls (In Your Bed): 16
| Short Stories for Kids
| A Bedtime Story and a Lullaby: How the Camel Got His Hump & Merry-Go-Round: 17
| Princess Bedtime Stories
| A Bedtime Story and a Lullaby: The Dirty Shepherdess & Over the Rainbow: 18
| A Bedtime Story and a Lullaby: Sometimes the Wind Can Be Magical & My Grandfather's Clock: 19
| Storytime for Flights
| A Bedtime Story and a Lullaby: Raggedy Ann and the Kittens & Wishing on a Star: 20
| Andrew Lang's Enchanting Fairy Tales
| Magical Fairy Tales by Flora Annie Steel
| A A Bedtime Story and a Lullaby: Jack and the Beanstalk & Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star: 11
| A A Bedtime Story & a Lullaby: The Elves and the Shoemaker & What Child Is This? (Instrumental): 12
| Fertilizer Analyses
| Lectures, Essays, and Sermons
| The Plays of William Shakespeare; Volume 5
| The Poetical Works of Alexander Pope, Esq: To Which Is Prefixed the Life of the Author
| The Life of Samuel Johnson, Ll. D.: Together With a Journal of a Tour to the Hebrides
| The Works of Samuel Johnson, With Murphy's Essay, Ed. by R. Lynam
| Le Rôdeur
| Johnson's Lives of the Poets
| The Works of the English Poets, from Chaucer to Cowper: Including the Series Edited with Prefaces, Biographical and Critical
| The Works of Samuel Johnson in Sixteen Volumes: Vol. IV - in large print
| The Vicar of Wakefield
| El Lissitzky on Paper: Print Culture, Architecture, Politics, 1919-1933
| The Plays of Shakspeare: Twelfth Night. Much Ado About Nothing. As You Like It
| Christ's Hospital; Recollections of Lamb, Coleridge, and Leigh Hunt; With Some Account of its Foundation
| The Rambler: 2
| Johnson's Dictionary Of The English Language, In Miniature, To Which Are Subjoined, An Alphabetical Account Of The Heathen Deities [&c.]. By W. Braun. London Stereotype Ed., Revised
| A Voyage to Abyssinia
| Rasselas
| Rasselas
| A Journey to the Western Islands of Scotland
| The Afterworld: Long COVID and International Relations (Working Title)
| The Seasons
| A Dictionary of the English Language. Abstracted from the Folio Ed., by the Author. to Which Is Prefixed, a Grammar of the English Language. [Another]
| The Lives of the English Poets; Volume 2
| Complete Works, With Life, Compendium, and Concordance: 1
| The Lives Of The Most Eminent English Poets; Volume 3
| Henry Iv, Part 1
| Henry Viii
| The Rambler: In Four Volumes; Volume 1
| The Plays And Poems Of William Shakspeare: Pt. 2. Historical Account Of The English Stage. Emendations And Additions. Tempest. Two Gentlemen Of Verona
| The Rambler: In Four Volumes; Volume 4
| Essays From the Rambler and the Idler; With Passages From the Lives of the ...
| Essays on Peat, Muck, and Commercial Manures
| You Have A Space: How To Discover Your Niche And Dominate Your Space On Earth
| The Works of Samuel Johnson in Sixteen Volumes: Vol. IV - in large print
| The Table Talk of Dr. Johnson: Comprising Opinions and Anecdotes of Life and Literature, Men, Manners, and Morals
| A Dictionary of the English Language...: To Which Is Prefixed, a Grammar of the English Language; Volume 2
| Shakespear Illustrated: Or the Novels and Histories, On Which the Plays of Shakespear Are Founded: Collected and Translated From the Original Authors. With Critical Remarks. in Two Volumes; Volume 1
| Wit and Wisdom of Samuel Johnson
| Johnson's Dictionary of the English Language, in Miniature [Ed. by J. Hamilton]. by J. Hamilton
| A Dictionary of the English Language: In Which the Words Are Deduced From Their Origin and Illustrated in Their Different Significations by Examples ... Language, and an English Grammar; Volume 2
| Peat and its Uses as Fertilizer and Fuel
| The Lives of the Most Eminent English Poets; With Critical Observations on Their Works
| Johnson's Dictionary of the English Language, in Miniature: With Many Additional Words From Todd, And Other Authors; Containing Also a Collection of ... of Scotticisms, Vulgar Anglicisms, And
| The Rambler: In Four Volumes.
| Johnson's Dictionary of the English Language, for the Use of Schools
| Johnson's Lives of the British Poets
| Johnson's Dictionary of the English Language, in Miniature: To Which Are Added, an Alphabetical Account of the Heathen Deities, a List of the Cities, Boroughs, and Market Towns in England and Wales
| Thoughts On the Late Transactions Respecting Falkland's Islands
| The Beauties of Samuel Johnson, Consisting of Maxims and Observations, Moral, Critical, and Miscellaneous to Which are now Added, Biographical ... Life, Recently Published by Boswell, and Ot
| Johnson's Dictionary Of The English Language: With Walker's Pronunciation Of All The Difficult Or Doubtful Words And Marks To Shew Where To Double The Consonant In The Participle
| The Rambler: In Four Volumes; Volume 2
| The History Of Rassalas Prince Of Abyssinia
| Juvenal
| Dr. Johnson s Works: Life, Poems, and Tales; Volume 1
| The Works of Samuel Johnson, L.L.D.: Murphy's Essay. the Rambler. the Adventurer. the Idler. Rasselas. Tales of the Imagination. Letters. Irene. Miscellaneous Poems
| The Plays and Poems of William Shakspeare: In Ten Volumes: Collated Verbatim With the Most Authentick Copies, and Revised; With the Corrections and ... Essay On the Chronological Order of His Plays
| Lives of the English Poets: Waller, Milton, Cowley
| Lives of the English Poets: Prior, Congreve, Blackmore, Pope
| Lives of the English Poets
| Notes to Shakespeare, Volume III ; The Tragedies
| The Lives of the English Poets: Vol. II
| Le vallon fortuné ou Rasselas et Dinarbas. Tome 2
| Preface to Shakespeare: in large print
| Messy Paula
| Reports on Peat Muck
| Lives of the English Poets; Addison, Savage, Swift: in large print
| Le vallon fortuné ou Rasselas et Dinarbas (Éd.1817)
| Lives of the English Poets; (1779¿81) Waller, Milton, Cowley: in large print
| Lives of the English Poets; Prior, Congreve, Blackmore, Pope: in large print
| The Logic of American Politics
| The Works of Samuel Johnson, LL.D. 11 Volume Set: The Works of Samuel Johnson, LL.D.: Together with his Life, and Notes on his Lives of the Poets: Volume 5
| Essays on Peat, Muck, and Commercial Manures
| Your Future Is Trapped In You: Finding The Missing Link Between You And Your Destiny
| Lives of the English Poets; Addison, Savage, Swift: in large print
| The Works of Samuel Johnson, LL.D. 11 Volume Set: The Works of Samuel Johnson, LL.D. - Volume 6: Together with his Life, and Notes on his Lives of the Poets
| The Works of Samuel Johnson, LL.D. 11 Volume Set: The Works of Samuel Johnson, LL.D.: Together with his Life, and Notes on his Lives of the Poets: Volume 7
| The Works of Samuel Johnson, LL.D. 11 Volume Set: The Works of Samuel Johnson, LL.D.: Together with his Life, and Notes on his Lives of the Poets: Volume 9
| The Works of Samuel Johnson, LL.D. 11 Volume Set: The Works of Samuel Johnson, LL.D.: Together with his Life, and Notes on his Lives of the Poets: Volume 10
| Letters to and from the Late Samuel Johnson, LL.D. 2 Volume Set: Letters to and from the Late Samuel Johnson: To Which Are Added Some Poems Never before Printed: Volume 1
| Letters to and from the Late Samuel Johnson, LL.D. 2 Volume Set: Letters to and from the Late Samuel Johnson, LL.D.: To Which Are Added Some Poems Never before Printed: Volume 2
| La biblioteca nascosta. Con il testo originale inglese «Musaeum Clausum, or, Bibliotheca abscondita»-La vita di Sir Thomas Browne
| Johnson, S: Political Tracts
| Johnson, S: Peat and Its Uses, as Fertilizer and Fuel (Class
| Johnson, S: Collection of Epitaphs and Monumental Inscriptio
| Johnson, S: Lectures, Essays, and Sermons (Classic Reprint)
| Johnson, S: Labor Parties and Labor Reform (Classic Reprint)
| Johnson, S: Poetical Works of Johnson, Parnell, Gray, and Sm
| A Memorial of Charles Sumner: A Discourse Delivered at the Parker Memorial Meeting-House, to the Twenty-Eighth Congregational Society, of Boston, on Sunday, March 15, 1874 (Classic Reprint)
| Dr. Johnson's Works, Vol. 2: Parliamentary Debates (Classic Reprint)
| The Works of the English Poets, Vol. 6: With English Ports and Prefaces, Biographical and Critical (Classic Reprint)
| The Lives of the Most Eminent English Poets, Vol. 1 of 4: With Critical Observations on Their Works (Classic Reprint)
| The Lives of the English Poets, Vol. 2 of 2 (Classic Reprint)
| The Works of the Poets of Great Britain and Ireland, Vol. 4: With Prefaces Biographical and Critical; Containing Garth, Rowe, Hughes, Addison, ... Prior, Congreve, and Fenton (Classic Reprint)
| The Works of the English Poets, Vol. 2: With Prefaces, Biographical and Critical (Classic Reprint)
| Lives of the English Poets: Addison, Savage, Swift (Classic Reprint)
| A Letter From Oxford, Concerning Mr. Samuel Johnson's Late Book (Classic Reprint)
| The Works of the English Poets, From Chaucer to Cowper, Vol. 13 of 21: Including the Series Edited, With Prefaces, Biographical and Critical; Watts, ... Dyer, Shenstone, Young (Classic Reprint)
| The Works of Samuel Johnson, LL. D, Vol. 7 of 11 (Classic Reprint)
| A Dictionary of the English Language, Vol. 1 of 2: In Which the Words Are Deduced From Their Originals, and Illustrated in Their Different ... a History of the Language, and an English G
| The Lives of the English Poets, Vol. 2 of 2 (Classic Reprint)
| The Works of the English Poets, Vol. 27: With Prefaces, Biographical and Critical (Classic Reprint)
| The Works of the English Poets, From Chaucer to Cowper, Vol. 2 of 21: Including the Series Edited, With Prefaces, Biographical and Critical; Gower, ... Wyat, Gascoigne, Turbervile (Classic Reprint)
| Letters to and From the Late Samuel Johnson, LL. D, Vol. 1 of 2: To Which Are Added, Some Poems Never Before Printed (Classic Reprint)
| The History of Rasselas: And Elizabeth (Classic Reprint)
| The History of Rasselas, Prince of Abyssinia: A Tale (Classic Reprint)
| The Lives of the English Poets: And a Criticism on Their Works (Classic Reprint)
| Marmor Norfolciense, or an Essay on an Ancient Prophetical Inscription, in Monkish Rhyme, Lately Discovered Near Lynn in Norfolk (Classic Reprint)
| Prefaces, Biographical and Critical, to the Works of the English Poets, Vol. 7 (Classic Reprint)
| The Beauties of Samuel Johnson, LL. D: Consisting of Maxims and Observations, Moral, Critical, and Miscellaneous (Classic Reprint)
| The Works of the English Poets, Vol. 45: With Prefaces, Biographical and Critical (Classic Reprint)
| The Works of the English Poets, Vol. 26: With Prefaces, Biographical and Critical; The Poems of Rowe and Tickell (Classic Reprint)
| The Works of the Poets of Great Britain and Ireland, Vol. 3: With Prefaces, Biographical and Critical; Containing Dryden, Smyth, Duke, King, Sprat, Halifax (Classic Reprint)
| The Works of the English Poets, From Chaucer to Cowper, Vol. 11 of 21: Including the Series Edited, With Prefaces, Biographical and Critical; ... Somervile, Savage, Swift (Classic Reprint)
| The Works of the English Poets, Vol. 3: With Prefaces, Biographical and Critical (Classic Reprint)
| Debates in Parliament, Vol. 1 of 2 (Classic Reprint)
| The Works of the English Poets, Vol. 50: With Prefaces, Biographical and Critical (Classic Reprint)
| Be the Donkey: Out of the Epicenter Bible Study
| The Works of Samuel Johnson in Sixteen Volumes: Vol. IV - in large print
| Johnson's Lives of the Poets - Volume 1
| Lives of the Poets: Waller. Milton. Cowley
| Dr. Sebi Bundle: 2 Books in 1: The Complete Guide to Detox your Body, Stop Inflammation and Lose Weight with the Help of the Alkaline Diet and Medical Herbs
| Lives of the most Eminent English Poets: Vol. II
| A Beginner’s Guide to Statistics for Criminology and Criminal Justice Using R
| Preface to a Dictionary of the English Language
| Lives of the Poets, Volume 1
| Johnson's Lives of the Poets — Volume 2
| Johnson's Lives of the Poets — Volume 1
| Lives of the English Poets : Waller, Milton, Cowley
| The Works of Samuel Johnson, LL.D. 11 Volume Set: The Works of Samuel Johnson, LL.D.: Together with his Life, and Notes on his Lives of the Poets: Volume 8
| The Works of Samuel Johnson, LL.D. 11 Volume Set: The Works of Samuel Johnson, LL.D.: Together with his Life, and Notes on his Lives of the Poets: Volume 11
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