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Thomas Jefferson

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Biografia Thomas Jefferson
Thomas Jefferson
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Thomas fu il terzo presidente degli Stati Uniti (1801-1809). Nacque a Shadwell, Virginia nel 1743 e si spense a Monticello, Virginia nell'anno 1826. Avvocato, intraprese la carriera politica nel 1769, quando venne eletto al Parlamento della Virginia. Nel 1775 partecip alla delegazione che rappresent la Virginia al primo Congresso continentale e l'anno dopo, in occasione del secondo Congresso, present la bozza della Dichiarazione d'indipendenza (adottata il 4 luglio 1776) proclamando che le azioni "tiranniche" perpetrate dal governo britannico davano alle colonie il diritto di "sciogliere i legami politici" che le avevano unite alla madrepatria. In seguito Jefferson torn in Virginia, dove dal 1779 al 1781 ricopr la carica di governatore; i suoi provvedimenti furono ispirati alla filosofia dell'illuminismo e ai princpi della democrazia. Sostenne la massima libert di culto, promosse l'istruzione, riform il codice penale e abol le leggi legate a particolari forme di diritto ereditario in modo da eliminare qualsiasi interferenza dello stato sull'uso della propriet privata. Non riusc per a impedire che gli inglesi invadessero la Virginia, nel corso della guerra d'indipendenza americana. Nel 1783 fu rieletto al Congresso e l'anno dopo fece parte della delegazione che si occup di negoziare i trattati commerciali con le potenze europee. Dal 1785 al 1789 fu ambasciatore a Parigi, dove assistette con trepidazione alle prime fasi della Rivoluzione francese; rientrato in America, dal 1789 al 1794 fu segretario di Stato sotto la presidenza di George Washington; il suo desiderio di stringere rapporti con la Francia rivoluzionaria si scontr con la decisione di Washington di mantenere un atteggiamento neutrale nei confronti della guerra in corso tra Francia e Inghilterra. Vicepresidente con John Adams, si oppose alla ratifica degli Alien and Sedition Acts che ponevano alcuni limiti alla libert dei cittadini mentre aumentavano i poteri del governo per scongiurare possibili sedizioni politiche. Quattro anni dopo torn a candidarsi con successo alla presidenza; nel corso del suo doppio mandato (1801-1809) emerse con pi vigore il suo nazionalismo. Nel 1803 ratific l'acquisto della Louisiana dalla Francia. Il suo tentativo di imporre agli inglesi il rispetto della neutralit degli Stati Uniti in acque internazionali durante le guerre napoleoniche indusse il Congresso (1807) a varare l'Embargo Act che proibiva i legami commerciali con la Gran Bretagna, mossa che si rivel per inefficace e che produsse effetti economici devastanti. Nel 1809 Jefferson abbandon il suo incarico e si ritir in Virginia, dove si dedic alla fondazione di un'universit. Frasi Celebri di Thomas Jefferson Pubblicit/Mass media: La pubblicit contiene le uniche verit affidabili di un giornale. Morale: La salute il primo requisito dopo la moralit. Dio: Il Dio che ci ha donato la vita, allo stesso tempo ci ha donato la libert.

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Virginia Reports: Jefferson--33 Grattan, 1730-1880
Virginia Reports: Jefferson--33 Grattan, 1730-1880
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6 July to 19 November 1805 (47)
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State of the Union Addresses of Thomas Jefferson: in large print
State of the Union Addresses of Thomas Jefferson: in large print
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The Writings of Thomas Jefferson, Vol. 3: Containing His Autobiography, Notes on Virginia, Parliamentary Manual, Official Papers, Messages and ... and Published in Their Entirety for the First
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Jefferson's Germantown Letters: Together With Other Papers Relating to His Stay in Germantown During the Month of November, 1793 (Classic Reprint)
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Notes on the State of Virginia (Classic Reprint)
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The Writings of Thomas Jefferson, Vol. 7: 1795-1801 (Classic Reprint)
On the Temperature, Secular Cooling and Contraction of the Earth, and on the Theory of Earthquakes Held by the Ancients (Classic Reprint)
On the Temperature, Secular Cooling and Contraction of the Earth, and on the Theory of Earthquakes Held by the Ancients (Classic Reprint)
The Works of Thomas Jefferson, Vol. 4 of 12 (Classic Reprint)
The Works of Thomas Jefferson, Vol. 4 of 12 (Classic Reprint)
House and Senate Documents, Printed for the General Assembly of North Carolina, at the Session of 1850-'51, Vol. 2 (Classic Reprint)
House and Senate Documents, Printed for the General Assembly of North Carolina, at the Session of 1850-'51, Vol. 2 (Classic Reprint)
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The Writings of Thomas Jefferson, Library Edition, Vol. 8: Containing His Autobiography, Notes on Virginia, Parliamentary Manual, Official Papers, ... Official and Private (Classic Reprint)
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Speech of Hon. Thomas J. Rusk, of Texas, on the Boundaries of Texas: Delivered in the Senate of the United States, February 27 and 28, 1850 (Classic Reprint)
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Notes On the State of Virginia: With an Appendix Relative to the Murder of Logan's Family
Notes On the State of Virginia: With an Appendix Relative to the Murder of Logan's Family
Resolutions Of Virginia And Kentucky
Resolutions Of Virginia And Kentucky
Scenes, Incidents, And Adventures In The Pacific Ocean: Or, The Islands Of The Australasian Seas, During The Cruise Of The Clipper Margaret Oakley Under Capt. Benj. Morrell
Scenes, Incidents, And Adventures In The Pacific Ocean: Or, The Islands Of The Australasian Seas, During The Cruise Of The Clipper Margaret Oakley Under Capt. Benj. Morrell
Life and Letters of Judge Thomas J. Anderson and Wife, Including a Few Letters From Children and Others, Mostly Written During the Civil War: A History
Life and Letters of Judge Thomas J. Anderson and Wife, Including a Few Letters From Children and Others, Mostly Written During the Civil War: A History
Virginia Under the Stuarts, 1607-1688
Virginia Under the Stuarts, 1607-1688
A Prospect of the Consequences of the Present Conduct of Great Britain Towards America ...; Volume 8
A Prospect of the Consequences of the Present Conduct of Great Britain Towards America ...; Volume 8
History of Sonoma County, California, With Biographical Sketches of the Leading Men and Women of the County, Who Have Been Identified With Its Growth ... From the Early Days to the Present Time
History of Sonoma County, California, With Biographical Sketches of the Leading Men and Women of the County, Who Have Been Identified With Its Growth ... From the Early Days to the Present Time
The Works of Thomas Jefferson, Vol. 8 of 12 (Classic Reprint)
The Works of Thomas Jefferson, Vol. 8 of 12 (Classic Reprint)
The Works of Thomas Jefferson, Vol. 12 of 12 (Classic Reprint)
The Works of Thomas Jefferson, Vol. 12 of 12 (Classic Reprint)
Travels In The Great Western Prairies: The Anahuac And Rocky Mountains, And In The Oregon Territory; Volume 2
Travels In The Great Western Prairies: The Anahuac And Rocky Mountains, And In The Oregon Territory; Volume 2
The Writings of Thomas Jefferson; Volume 1
The Writings of Thomas Jefferson; Volume 1
Observations sur la Virginie (Classic Reprint)
Observations sur la Virginie (Classic Reprint)
History of Sonoma County, California: With Biographical Sketches of the Leading Men and Women of the County, Who Have Been Identified With Its Growth ... Days to the Present Time (Classic Reprint)
History of Sonoma County, California: With Biographical Sketches of the Leading Men and Women of the County, Who Have Been Identified With Its Growth ... Days to the Present Time (Classic Reprint)
McEvoy Magazine: Including School Work; January, 1912 (Classic Reprint)
McEvoy Magazine: Including School Work; January, 1912 (Classic Reprint)
The Four Versions of Jefferson's Letter to Mazzei (Classic Reprint)
The Four Versions of Jefferson's Letter to Mazzei (Classic Reprint)
Memorial to the Legislature of North-Carolina, on the Extension of the Central Rail Road to the Town of Newbern (Classic Reprint)
Memorial to the Legislature of North-Carolina, on the Extension of the Central Rail Road to the Town of Newbern (Classic Reprint)
JOIN, or DIE. - An American Patriot's Book of Quotes
JOIN, or DIE. - An American Patriot's Book of Quotes
The Jefferson Bible: The Life and Morals of Jesus of Nazareth (Illustrated Edition)
The Jefferson Bible: The Life and Morals of Jesus of Nazareth (Illustrated Edition)
Wise Quotes - Thomas Jefferson (248 Thomas Jefferson Quotes): United States Founding Father President Political History Quote Collection
Wise Quotes - Thomas Jefferson (248 Thomas Jefferson Quotes): United States Founding Father President Political History Quote Collection
Fifty Salads
Fifty Salads
9 March to 5 July 1805
9 March to 5 July 1805
The Papers of Thomas Jefferson, Retirement Series, Volume 18: 1 December 1821 to 15 September 1822
The Papers of Thomas Jefferson, Retirement Series, Volume 18: 1 December 1821 to 15 September 1822
Notes on the State of Virginia: An Annotated Edition
Notes on the State of Virginia: An Annotated Edition
A Summary View of the Rights of British America: Set forth in some resolutions intended for the inspection of the present delegates of the people of Virginia, now in convention
A Summary View of the Rights of British America: Set forth in some resolutions intended for the inspection of the present delegates of the people of Virginia, now in convention
Декларация ... Со
Декларация ... Со
The Constitution of the United States, Bill of Rights, Declaration of Independence, and Articles of Confederation
The Constitution of the United States, Bill of Rights, Declaration of Independence, and Articles of Confederation

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