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Susan Hill

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Biografia Susan Hill
Susan Hill
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Nata a Scarborough, nello Yorkshire, ha iniziato la carriera scolastica nel paese natio, per poi trasferirsi a Coventry. Nel 1963 si è laureata in Inglese presso il King’s College di Londra. Nel 1987 il suo vecchio college le ha concesso la docenza honoris causa. È scrittrice professionista dal 1963.

È autrice di oltre trenta libri, per lo più romanzi, ma può vantare anche tre raccolte di racconti e un certo numero di commedie. Ha vinto il W. Somerset Maugham Award, il Whitbread Award for Fiction e il John Llewelly Rhys Prize, ed è entrata nella cinquina del Booker Prize. Ha scritto articoli e recensioni per numerosi quotidiani e periodici britannici.

Sposata con il professor Stanley Wells, rinomato studioso di Shakespeare, Susan Hill ha due figlie già adulte (un’altra è scomparsa nel 1984). Vive con la famiglia in una casa colonica nel Gloucestershire.

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Susan Hill
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Beyond Conditioning: Living Life on Your Terms
The Travelling Bag: And Other Ghostly Stories
The Travelling Bag: And Other Ghostly Stories
Fat Religion: Protestant Christianity and the Construction of the Fat Body
Fat Religion: Protestant Christianity and the Construction of the Fat Body
A Savior Is Risen: An Easter Devotional
A Savior Is Risen: An Easter Devotional
Pickle & Ferment: Preserve Your Produce & Brew Delicious Probiotic Drinks
Pickle & Ferment: Preserve Your Produce & Brew Delicious Probiotic Drinks
The Wind at My Back: Resilience, Grace, and Other Gifts from My Mentor, Raven Wilkinson
The Wind at My Back: Resilience, Grace, and Other Gifts from My Mentor, Raven Wilkinson
Dolly: A Ghost Story
Dolly: A Ghost Story
The Man in the Picture
The Man in the Picture
The Small Hand
The Small Hand
The Travelling Bag
The Travelling Bag
One Flight Up: A Novel
One Flight Up: A Novel
A Change of Circumstance: A Simon Serrailler Case
A Change of Circumstance: A Simon Serrailler Case
Positief over bevallen
Positief over bevallen
History of Danbury, Conn., 1684-1896
History of Danbury, Conn., 1684-1896
History of Danbury, Conn., 1684-1896
History of Danbury, Conn., 1684-1896
Occasional Poems: A New Year's Offering (Classic Reprint)
Occasional Poems: A New Year's Offering (Classic Reprint)
The Wind at My Back: Resilience, Grace, and Other Gifts from My Mentor Raven Wilkinson
The Wind at My Back: Resilience, Grace, and Other Gifts from My Mentor Raven Wilkinson
The Wind at My Back: Resilience, Grace, and Other Gifts from My Mentor Raven Wilkinson
The Wind at My Back: Resilience, Grace, and Other Gifts from My Mentor Raven Wilkinson
The Funeral Achievements of Henry V at Westminster Abbey: The Arms and Armour of Death
The Funeral Achievements of Henry V at Westminster Abbey: The Arms and Armour of Death
The Care and Keeping of Freddy
The Care and Keeping of Freddy
Dangerous Faith: 50 Powerful Believers Who Changed the World
Dangerous Faith: 50 Powerful Believers Who Changed the World
I'm the King of the Castle
I'm the King of the Castle
You Have Stept Out of Your Place: A History of Women and Religion in America
You Have Stept Out of Your Place: A History of Women and Religion in America
Die Frau in Schwarz
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A Change of Circumstance: The new Simon Serrailler novel from the million-copy bestselling author
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Rosen's Emergency Medicine: Concepts and Clinical Practice: 2-Volume Set
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