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Terry Deary

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Biografia Terry Deary
Terry Deary
Modifica bioCronologia

Terry Deary è nato a Sunderland, in Inghilterra, nel 1946. Ha iniziato la sua carriera come attore professionista nel 1972. Ha lavorato anche come regista, direttore di museo, insegnante di recitazione, presentatore televisivo. In 35 anni come autore ha scritto per la TV, teatro, radio ed è uno degli autori per ragazzi più venduti in Inghilterra. Appassionato di storia, scrive romanzi, racconti e saggi molto documentati, alcuni dei quali sono diventati serie TV a cartoni animati e hanno vinto numerosi premi. Tradotti in oltre 33 lingue, i suoi libri hanno fatto il giro del mondo, dalla Russia al Brasile, dalla Scandinavia alla Cina.

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Ultimi libri pubblicati di
Terry Deary
Horrible Christmas (2024) (Horrible Histories)
Horrible Christmas (2024) (Horrible Histories)
The Truly Terrible History of the Toilet-Flush with Facts (Horrible Histories)
The Truly Terrible History of the Toilet-Flush with Facts (Horrible Histories)
The Legend of the Lambton Worm
The Legend of the Lambton Worm
Terrible True Tales: Romans
Terrible True Tales: Romans
York (newspaper edition) (Horrible Histories)
York (newspaper edition) (Horrible Histories)
Oxford (Newspaper edition) (Horrible Histories)
Oxford (Newspaper edition) (Horrible Histories)
Paws, Claws and Jaws: The World s Wildest Animal Tails (Horrible Histories)
Paws, Claws and Jaws: The World s Wildest Animal Tails (Horrible Histories)
Gruesome Great Houses newspaper edition (Horrible Histories)
Gruesome Great Houses newspaper edition (Horrible Histories)
HH Liverpool (newspaper edition) (Horrible Histories)
HH Liverpool (newspaper edition) (Horrible Histories)
HH Cardiff (newspaper edition) (Horrible Histories)
HH Cardiff (newspaper edition) (Horrible Histories)
Smashing Saxons (newspaper edition) (Horrible Histories)
Smashing Saxons (newspaper edition) (Horrible Histories)
Horrible History of Britain and Ireland (newspaper edition) ebook
Horrible History of Britain and Ireland (newspaper edition) ebook
Horrible Histories Collection 5 Books Set By Terry Deary (Angry Aztecs, Barmy British Empire, Stormin' Normans, Smashing Saxons, Gorgeous Georgians)
Horrible Histories Collection 5 Books Set By Terry Deary (Angry Aztecs, Barmy British Empire, Stormin' Normans, Smashing Saxons, Gorgeous Georgians)
Angry Aztecs (newspaper edition) (Horrible Histories)
Angry Aztecs (newspaper edition) (Horrible Histories)
Wicked Words (newspaper edition) (Horrible Histories Special)
Wicked Words (newspaper edition) (Horrible Histories Special)
Horrible History of Britain and Ireland (newspaper edition)
Horrible History of Britain and Ireland (newspaper edition)
Villainous Victorians (newspaper edition)
Villainous Victorians (newspaper edition)
Horrible Histories Savage 10 Book Collection Set (Awful Egyptians, Rotten Romans, Vicious Vikings, Measly Middle Ages, Terrifying Tudors, Vile Victorians, Frightful First World War & More…)
Horrible Histories Savage 10 Book Collection Set (Awful Egyptians, Rotten Romans, Vicious Vikings, Measly Middle Ages, Terrifying Tudors, Vile Victorians, Frightful First World War & More…)
Terrible Thames (Horrible Histories)
Terrible Thames (Horrible Histories)
Terrible Tudors (newspaper edition) (Horrible Histories)
Terrible Tudors (newspaper edition) (Horrible Histories)
Incredible Incas (newspaper edition) (Horrible Histories)
Incredible Incas (newspaper edition) (Horrible Histories)
On the Road (Horrible Histories)
On the Road (Horrible Histories)
The World's Worst (Horrible Histories)
The World's Worst (Horrible Histories)
Gruesome Guide to Stratford-upon-Avon (newspaper edition) (Horrible Histories)
Gruesome Guide to Stratford-upon-Avon (newspaper edition) (Horrible Histories)
Top 50 Kings and Queens (Horrible Histories)
Top 50 Kings and Queens (Horrible Histories)
Crackin' Castles (Horrible Histories)
Crackin' Castles (Horrible Histories)
Ganzi greci
Ganzi greci
Strrraszna historia Narwani Normanowie
Strrraszna historia Narwani Normanowie
Spaventevoli egizi
Spaventevoli egizi
I rivoltanti romani
I rivoltanti romani
Puzzolenti primitivi
Puzzolenti primitivi
Strrraszna historia Ci koszmarni Celtowie
Strrraszna historia Ci koszmarni Celtowie
Awesome Egyptians (newspaper edition) (Horrible Histories)
Awesome Egyptians (newspaper edition) (Horrible Histories)
Ruthless Romans (newspaper edition) (Horrible Histories)
Ruthless Romans (newspaper edition) (Horrible Histories)
Stormin' Normans (newspaper edition) (Horrible Histories)
Stormin' Normans (newspaper edition) (Horrible Histories)
Gruesome Guide to Edinburgh (newspaper edition) (Horrible Histories)
Gruesome Guide to Edinburgh (newspaper edition) (Horrible Histories)
Savage Stone Age (newspaper edition) (Horrible Histories)
Savage Stone Age (newspaper edition) (Horrible Histories)
Horrible Christmas (2022) (Horrible Histories)
Horrible Christmas (2022) (Horrible Histories)
The Silver Hand: A Novel of the First World War
The Silver Hand: A Novel of the First World War
Cruel Kings and Mean Queens (newspaper edition) (Horrible Histories Special)
Cruel Kings and Mean Queens (newspaper edition) (Horrible Histories Special)
Gorgeous Georgians (newspaper edition) (Horrible Histories)
Gorgeous Georgians (newspaper edition) (Horrible Histories)
Groovy Greeks (newspaper edition) (Horrible Histories)
Groovy Greeks (newspaper edition) (Horrible Histories)
Rotten Rulers (newspaper edition) (Horrible Histories Special)
Rotten Rulers (newspaper edition) (Horrible Histories Special)
Slimy Stuarts (newspaper edition) (Horrible Histories)
Slimy Stuarts (newspaper edition) (Horrible Histories)
Ghosts (Horrible Histories)
Ghosts (Horrible Histories)
The Secret Diary of William the Conqueror (Horrible Histories)
The Secret Diary of William the Conqueror (Horrible Histories)
Wales (newspaper edition) ebook (Horrible Histories Special)
Wales (newspaper edition) ebook (Horrible Histories Special)
Pirates (newspaper edition) (Horrible Histories)
Pirates (newspaper edition) (Horrible Histories)
England (newspaper edition) (Horrible Histories Special)
England (newspaper edition) (Horrible Histories Special)
Horribly Hilarious Joke Book (Horrible Histories)
Horribly Hilarious Joke Book (Horrible Histories)
Gruesome Guides: London (newspaper edition) (Horrible Histories)
Gruesome Guides: London (newspaper edition) (Horrible Histories)
Ireland (newspaper edition) (Horrible Histories Special)
Ireland (newspaper edition) (Horrible Histories Special)
Scotland (Newspaper edition) (Horrible Histories Special)
Scotland (Newspaper edition) (Horrible Histories Special)
Wales (newspaper edition) (Horrible Histories Special)
Wales (newspaper edition) (Horrible Histories Special)
Cut-throat Celts (Horrible Histories)
Cut-throat Celts (Horrible Histories)
All at Sea (Horrible Histories)
All at Sea (Horrible Histories)
Blitzed Brits (Horrible Histories)
Blitzed Brits (Horrible Histories)
The Secret Diary of Boudica (Horrible Histories)
The Secret Diary of Boudica (Horrible Histories)
The Secret Diary of Queen Victoria (Horrible Histories)
The Secret Diary of Queen Victoria (Horrible Histories)
Right On Track (Horrible Histories)
Right On Track (Horrible Histories)
Niesamowici Egipcjanie Strrraszna historia - Terry Deary, Peter Hepplewhite [KSIÄĹťKA]
Niesamowici Egipcjanie Strrraszna historia - Terry Deary, Peter Hepplewhite [KSIÄĹťKA]
Krwawe rewolucje Strrraszna historia - Terry Deary [KSIÄĹťKA]
Krwawe rewolucje Strrraszna historia - Terry Deary [KSIÄĹťKA]

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