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Daniel H. Pink

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I premi Nobel per la letteratura
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Daniel H. Pink Daniel H. Pink

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Ultimi libri pubblicati di
Daniel H. Pink
Never Split the Difference, Drive, The Power of Regret, 24 Assets 4 Books Collection Set
Never Split the Difference, Drive, The Power of Regret, 24 Assets 4 Books Collection Set
Drive Daniel H Pink, WOLFPACK, Untamed Stop Pleasing Start Living, Predictably Irrational 4 Books Collection Set
Drive Daniel H Pink, WOLFPACK, Untamed Stop Pleasing Start Living, Predictably Irrational 4 Books Collection Set
Quando i segreti scientifici del tempismo perfetto, il potere del rimpianto, la guida e la raccolta di 24 risorse, set di 4 libri
Quando i segreti scientifici del tempismo perfetto, il potere del rimpianto, la guida e la raccolta di 24 risorse, set di 4 libri
O Poder do Arrependimento
O Poder do Arrependimento
El poder del arrepentimiento: Porque Mirar Atrás Nos Puede Ayudar a Avanzar
El poder del arrepentimiento: Porque Mirar Atrás Nos Puede Ayudar a Avanzar
When: The Scientific Secrets of Perfect Timing, Drive, The Power of Regret, 24 Assets 4 Books Collection Set
When: The Scientific Secrets of Perfect Timing, Drive, The Power of Regret, 24 Assets 4 Books Collection Set
To Sell Is Human, The Power of Regret, Drive & 24 Assets Collection 4 Books Set
To Sell Is Human, The Power of Regret, Drive & 24 Assets Collection 4 Books Set
The Everyday Hero Manifesto, The Power of Regret, Drive & 24 Assets Collection 4 Books Set
The Everyday Hero Manifesto, The Power of Regret, Drive & 24 Assets Collection 4 Books Set
The Tools, The Power of Regret, Drive & 24 Assets Collection 4 Books Set
The Tools, The Power of Regret, Drive & 24 Assets Collection 4 Books Set
Never Split the Difference, The Power of Regret, Drive & 24 Assets Collection 4 Books Set
Never Split the Difference, The Power of Regret, Drive & 24 Assets Collection 4 Books Set
Atomic Habits, The Power of Regret, Drive & 24 Assets Collection 4 Books Set
Atomic Habits, The Power of Regret, Drive & 24 Assets Collection 4 Books Set
Il potere dei rimpianti. Perché guardare indietro ci spinge in avanti
Il potere dei rimpianti. Perché guardare indietro ci spinge in avanti
No Rules Rules [Hardcover], Drive Daniel H Pink, Deep Work, Predictably Irrational 4 Books Collection Set
No Rules Rules [Hardcover], Drive Daniel H Pink, Deep Work, Predictably Irrational 4 Books Collection Set
Die Kraft der Reue: Wie der Blick zurück uns hilft, nach vorn zu schauen | Eine völlig neue Perspektive auf eine unterschätzte Emotion
Die Kraft der Reue: Wie der Blick zurück uns hilft, nach vorn zu schauen | Eine völlig neue Perspektive auf eine unterschätzte Emotion
Drive: de verrassende waarheid over wat ons motiveert
Drive: de verrassende waarheid over wat ons motiveert
Ne Zaman?: Mükemmel Zamanlamanın Bilimsel Sırları
Ne Zaman?: Mükemmel Zamanlamanın Bilimsel Sırları
De kracht van spijt: hoe terugblikken je vooruit helpt
De kracht van spijt: hoe terugblikken je vooruit helpt
The Power of Regret: How Looking Backward Moves Us Forward
The Power of Regret: How Looking Backward Moves Us Forward
El poder del arrepentimiento: Porque mirar atrás nos puede ayudar a avanzar
El poder del arrepentimiento: Porque mirar atrás nos puede ayudar a avanzar
The Power of Regret: How Looking Backward Moves Us Forward
The Power of Regret: How Looking Backward Moves Us Forward

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